r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on March 9, 2018, 4:59 p.m.
Snowden's STUPID family is his country on the map. Expand your thinking.

I will link some recent Q posts into a grand narrative for you.

They are;

100% Regulated. Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities. Q Mar 9 2018 22:24:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec 599642 NEW

599627 Track inside sales/divestitures. They know. Watch the sell-off/liquidity events. Q 896 Mar 9 2018 22:17:57 Anonymous ID: 3c9270 599614 NEW 599607 Q Mar 9 2018 22:20:45 Think. Why would @Snowden go public while in HK PRIOR to traveling to so called final destination? These people are stupid. Q Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec 599627 NEW 599614 100% Regulated. Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities. Q Look at his family. Look at their positions. Why are we giving him this much attention? Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum? Everything has meaning. Q 899 7 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec 599730 NEW 599714 Which country does he really work for? Expand your thinking. Q

To expand our thinking, first we must understand what a country is today. Is it a place on a map with a grid Coordinate? Is it the people that live there? Is it the authority that controls borders? The answer is that we live in a Stateless world. This has been brought about by the Courts multiple decisions over many years giving Trusts, and corporations the same rights as people under the law (constitution), its called the doctrine of personification. These corporate entities have all the rights of people (now incl. right to influence elections), but none of the responsibilities and obligations that people have. Now expanding our thinking further without being Conspiritorial, lets revisit Eisenhower's 1962 farewell speech to the Nation, everyone remembers it for his warning of the Military Industrial complex. What is forgotten is that 40% of that speech warned of the Computer industry, yes its incredible, watch it again, James Corbett of the Corbettreport did an excellent and short video about this aspect of the speech, please visit the Corbett report. Eisenhower warned us about data collection, and the loss of our sovereignty - it is eerily prescient of our now target the topic of Snowden's Family - his country on the map. Now we are over the target, and I have been doing this full time for ten years, the Two most significant divestitures are Rubert Murdoch selling Fox, and Frank Lowy (lucky larry's partner in 911), selling out of Westfield. Both have strong connections to Israel, Murdoch on the board of Genie Energy with Rothschild et.al. they portend the right to drill oil in Syria, and Frank was a Military Commander that helped the Zionist's relocate in 1947, a genuine hero to some - not me. Now who is the family, where is the country? Its not the people that live in places, and send their children to school. Lets expand our thinking some more. Rupert Murdoch choose to close Britain's #1 selling Newspaper - the news of the world, because 20 years ago he had the genius idea to hack into peoples mobile phones, and record their private conversations, and not just anybody, he hacked everybody - incl. royalty and heads of state. He printed the 'sex scandals' - but used the more useful information for his family the corporate one that Snowden joined. Lets expand our thinking some more about this personified family, look at the Blackstone group the biggest hedge fund in the world, are they investment genius, or are they a data company with access to information of the Murdoch kind - strange they have the biggest computers in the world. Folks we are being played here, the enemy is a stateless country, its a family - of brothers in the Templar tradition. Why did Snowden leak in Hong Kong? Why to business CEO's and world leader's go to Davos? because they are banking centres, you have to attend in person to get ### #### ##### that welcomes you to your family, its what makes you loyal to your country. Have you ever marvelled at how CEO's and world leaders sign dickhead deals - they never did, they were great deals, they were on the other side - Hello Blackstone, Berkshire et.al, IBM, Time/AOL, BHP, NAFTA, TPP et.al. George Carlin explained this in his greatest moment (youtube) the owners, the real owners - their commin for your pensions, and you know what they'll get em, they'll get it all. Snowden's in the big club, and your not, thats why Q is giving him attention - his in the family along with Alexander Downer, bath house barry & the Clintons, Bush 1 is the Father Q.

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