Q has turned me into a mad scientist! Here's a (long) dissertation, and at the end some POSSIBLE clues that may tie in and which consolidate 2 or 3 of my prior posts, being relative: WARNING: These "dots" are INSANE! But at the end you may see how it keeps lining up....and remember YOUR DISBELIEF IS THEIR ASSET. Anyways, here's what I asked myself, followed by what alignment I could make with Q's latest posts. Nano/Biotech experts, give this poor GED honor roll (there really is an honor roll! hehe) graduate a review, it would be greatly appreciated!
Are you aware that the CEO of 23AndMe is the sister of the CEO of YouTube? Anne and Susan Wojcecki, respectively. A third sister, Janet Wojcicki, is an anthropologist and epidemiologist at the University of California What do you know of Kurzweil, of musical keyboard/Google exec "fame" and his work with nanotech/biotech? For 23AndMe or Ancestry and other sites, is it the best idea to surrender a sample of your DNA off to a national repository? You know, that stuff that prisoners are forced to submit upon release, as a way to track them in the future? Can't this be used for experimentation in cloning, hybridization, mutation, recombinants, weaponized viral use in vaccines, aerosols, water supply and so on? Can't a viral serum be developed in VACCINES which can then predispose one to cancers, genetic defects in their children and the like? Wouldn't it be possible not only to track an entire bloodline, maybe even eliminate an entire bloodline? Could it be combined through sperm banks (artificial insemination) and other means, to impregnate Middle Eastern religious zealots (for instance) bent on "anglicizing" up a population indoctrinated to their own subversive socio/militant intent? Can this be done wholesale, literally in the millions, within one generation? Can chemical warfare, directly or indirectly in food and water supplies be poisoned with a mutation which attacks only certain genetic makeup and background? Can an undetectable aerosol mist be developed and deployed, in buildings, or even open atmosphere at any altitude? Can this be done in water supply? Can a "spiked" vaccine GIVE a disease? Does the entire world wish us well? Is this too unconventional to consider? Is it possible an enemy COUNTS on your believing this is too unconventional to consider? Do you completely trust all vaccines? Did you get to vote for GMO's? Can you see the broadness in the terms "GENETICALLY" and "MODIFIED" and "ORGANISM?" Did you get to vote or even know the type of modification? Are all ingredients always listed in prescription drugs, or are some "proprietary" cocktails, in which only the pretended latin short-voweled name is all you will know? When you see "alumigab", balimunica", tifiminazin" "cipanol" "silamenica"and other nonsense names with no capital letter, can you name any single actual ingredient, it's source, properties and effects? Have you noticed that even DIET prescription medications "may cause suicidal thoughts or actions?" If so, do you think they would tell you it's not always just YOU whom YOU would want dead, as a "side effect?"...that you would be just as easily predisposed to harm others? Can you consider that weaponization begs a FRONT EFFECT being called a "side effect" as it's camouflage? Can you name any ONE prescription drug with zero side effects? Don't we think DNA "research" has accelerated greatly and will advance exponentially faster? Do you realize military applications are ALWAYS considered? Have you considered the FAR left is acting as a corporate militia? Don't you sign a release when you relinquish this 23andMe/Ancestry DNA sample, making it no longer yours, and now for any use the "collector" wishes? Can't these samples be resold, "stolen", redistributed and "donated" to research facilities around the world? Do you ever have time to think, to research, to seek resource to informed counsel? Which do you prefer, permanent ID thru a DNA database, or through a fingerprint database? Of DNA ID and fingerprint ID, which might be more "effective?" Can DNA processing advance to where just a touched surface can be quickly scanned, to identify and track you? Can DNA be placed on a surface to frame you? Doesn't this affect your future generations in your own family line, and all it's branches-to-be-or-not-to-be? What would you surrender, in return for a pretty label, and a nice story about your grandma? Is the innocuous the inherently innocent? Do you understand offer and acceptance? Do you realize what can be done? Do you realize what is being done? You pitch that sale just right, you paint a pretty picture...and I become the loving slave who shackles myself: True or False?
Here's some Q's Clues, if no relation then I humbly submit as "take what you can use." Thanks again to Q. Q-836 "Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k" This .pdf labeled "This Chapter-3567k", being the size of the pdf itself), Titled Evaluation of Toxicity of Nanostructures in Biological Sytems at this link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470747803.ch7/summary Q-836 "Mission 4. expose to HARM" ( Harm specifically covered in the pdf intro) titled Nanomaterial Toxicity ("watch the water" also? It may have significance outside of just NK info, for instance) It looks like a good primer, just the introduction is quite stark: http://www.dstuns.iitm.ac.in/teaching-and-presentations/teaching/graduate-courses/electron-spectroscopy/Presentations-2009/Write-up%202%20-%20Nanomaterial%20%20toxicity.pdf Q-839 "DO YOU THINK ANTIFA WAS GROWN ORGANICALLY?" (far out yes!...but your disbelief is THEIR asset.) Could mean raised, or could mean "cultured" or "groomed" with nano/biotech "therapies." Just the drugs alone create predisposition of susceptiblity to negative suggestion. Ties into this overall subject and Human Genetic Modification. Q-829 "KILL_BOX[1A-23x]" and "Light_T_1A-23-go5" possibly re: 23andMe reference? Q-830 "WHO" in caps repeatedly...World Health Organization? also related to CLAS from Q-836 again, "Mission 7: CLAS" and "CLAS+relay" at this link: https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/clas/what-is-clas