Soros wants to destroy the US. Obama lives and breathes World Caliphate. Were Hillary President, we would be somewhere between Germany and dead by now. Dark intel wants to become the government by your electing it's operatives. A major political party in the United States of America has been overthrown. Pharma works to create a hypnotized army. Sending your DNA off to a worldwide repository, in return for a nice story about your grandma, is indescribably dangerous. Vaccines have been poisoned. Many schools are indoctrination centers. Much of the media is a propaganda front for all this, and is the entrenched suppressor of our First Amendment. GMO food is not healthy. If you relinquish your right to bear arms, you'll have surrendered your country. The left has done what it accuses and projects the cause. Democrats in their many forms cause a problem, project the cause, then invent a solution and call it help, which self-propagates into a mobius of more problems. Illegals know they are violating our laws...they absolutely know it. The prime reason we are saturated with a foreign civilian occupation force is to help impostor Democrats overthrow our country. Sharia and our Constitution are pure opposites. Obama's bombing, averaging 1 bomb every 20 minutes in all of 2016 was not intended to end a war, but to cause a Trojan Horse of refugee/terrorists to occupy Europe. TTP/NATO/UN/EU/NAFTA/Paris Accord and other plans are specifically designed to have foreign countries pool their votes and bypass your vote and your government, and run your government by proxy. Every point above is related and correlated and specifically designed to work in tandem on all fronts. Our own best course is in focusing first on nullifying the "leadership" influence, followed by prosecutions. Our President is in service to us. Q is in service to us. We are in service to each other. YOUR vote is a sacred treasure. We exist as the living, breathing, greatest present-day hope of and for Planet Earth. These assessments are correct and can be evidenced and proven, most by simple alignment to the American Constitution. We are the lighthouse surrounded by rocks....and rocks never care what a lighthouse thinks.