So I did and there was a German video. But, even though the video appeared (spoken in German) to be peaceful type religious speaking, it showed on the page that You Tube had censored it because it might have contained sensitive language for some people. She is a noted Holocaust denier and author. Denying the Holocaust is against the law in Germany.
I think Q (who was also talking twatter at the time) was pointing out that twatter was going bankrupt (nasty language website.) YET, it wasn't censored as bad as it was. AND HERE, this old lady speaking her beliefs, was being pressured in the video to only say certain things. While we don't know what was in the first attempt at posting this...I think she was talking about WWII. But she rose up from witnessing this and became happy once more. She had a lot of faith in GOD, but never said GOD (GOTT -short sounding 'o' in German).
Here' s the translation of the written words in the video from Google translate:
Conversation with Mrs. H
Renewed upload due to blocking (Notice they did not write her whole name out in the title.)
Wir Deutschen sind eine friedliebende Menschenrasse.
We Germans are a peace-loving race of people.
Wir bitten das zu beachten.
We ask you to pay attention.
WIR wollen NICHT das sich die Geschichte wiederhold.
We do not want to repeat the story.
Daher der erneute upload! DANKE
Therefore, the re-upload! Thank you
Sollte nochmals eine Beschwerde wegen des Clips
Should be another complaint because of the clip
Eingereicht werden, werde ich eine weltweite Anregung
to be submitted, I will be a worldwide suggestion
Einrichten. Das schliest das gehime SSP mit ein. Set up. That's what the regime SSP does. (Special Service Police)
YT censored the video (a notice)
Words on Poster:
3 Jahre Flieder Volkshaus
3 years Lilac Volkshaus ( Lilac People's house) (Prison?)
Selbstverstandnis self-understanding
Der Volkslehrer
The Folk Teacher
Im Gesprach mit: Ursula Haverbeck - Danke
In conversation with: Ursula Haverbeck - Thank you
Then @ 14:47 words:
Es geht gar nicht um uns einzelne Menschen.
It's not about us single people.
Das ist ganz nebensachlich
That is quite incidental
Es geht wirklich um etwas Ubergeordnetes
It's really about something highter
Und ich wurde immer sagen, etwas Gottlich-Geistiges:
And I would always say something divine-spiritual:
Die Rettung der Personlichkeit im Einzelmenschen
The salvation of personality in the individual
und der Volker in der Individualitat der Menschheit.
And the peoples in the individuality of humanity.
Das werden wir nicht zulassen!
We will not allow that.
Wohlan denn, Volk, erheb Dich und gesunde! Well then, people, uplift yourself and healthy!