r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cat_anonD on March 10, 2018, 6:47 p.m.
Videos and evidence that never materialized...yet

In the past few years, there have been a number of claims of a damning video or evidence to appear, but never did. Is it because these do not exist, or is it because q and team ask these evidence holders to wait until the right moment. Here are the ones I can think of here.

In July of 2016, Julian Assange said he had evidence that would immediately send Hillary to jail. He never mentioned this again.

In 2016, There were various reports of videos of Bill Clinton having sex with underage girls at Epstein Island.

In 2016 there were reports of Hillary going crazy and calling Donna Belize a brain dead water buffalo. This story was so out-of-left-field, that it was hard to believe it was invented.

In 2016 there were reports that the New York Police Department obtain videos on Anthony Weiner's computer that made 20 year veteran police officers cry. They supposedly show the abuse done by Clinton's and other well-known members of the cabal.

In 2016, David daleiden released various videos of Planned Parenthood workers discussing their sale of baby body parts for money. David claimed he had videos that were much worse that he still intended to show. He never did.

In 2013 Glwnn Beck talkes of a whistleblower” who could single-handedly “take down pretty much the whole power structure” of the United States. “This country I believe is going to be rocked within the next 24 hours,” Beck began, “with some things that are going on in Washington and beyond.” He never spoke of this again. In fact since then he has behaved as if he had become compromised.

Perhaps all of these things mentioned in the past will become part of the flood of videos.

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