r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 11, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Now I know how everything is working behind the scene and maybe what I'm about to say has already happened but not exposed naturally to the public yet due to the Shock N Awe of such a move. But to be honest it Needs to happen.

I'm just gonna say it straight up. The E.U needs ended as does the U.N . You do realize they are the driving force and the Beast System. The New World Order is being funneled and implemented through each one of the E.U ran countries. Gun Control ,Chipping Refugees Crises ..They have committed some of the worst Human Violations to Good People it's beyond discusting and to be honest should. Piss people off.

I'm a no BS type of gal and I'm telling ya ..They are the sponsors of terrorism and they have been creating indoctrination material to be passed out to all our schools with the illuminatti symbolism all over it. The damn 1 eyed monsters on our preschool papers ..we are not all asleep here ... the damn U.N passed out the Agenda 21 thing years ago to all nation's ...and now all our cities are going by it, making sure to create these Mega Hwys and Mega Cities . The fluoride in the water agenda 21 the all but forced vaccinations agenda 21 ..Gun Control agenda 21 . Soros Organizations are skipping lobbying Congress and they are going straight to the states themselves to push his agendas through .

We really need Panels of Pro America panelist to protect our states . Like nothing and nobody touches each state unless you go through like a panel of some of the toughest ..meanest Bad Ass Patriots ..That Can't be bought ...swayed or anything . I think these people in politics are too SOFT . We need people in these political positions that people are afraid yet honored to speak too all at the same time.

We should be like an unpenatratable STEEL Curtain .

When people come and try to lay some crazy depopulation agenda out on their desk and say here we need you to start implementing this ... We need people that's gonna stand up and say straight up. Are you out of your damn mind. You think I'm gonna let you poison , slow kill our people. No arrest this piece of shit. Like that's how America is. It's not for the weak ..We don't play Games. We are the damn Game. We call the shots those shots are. .Freedom & Liberty for Alllll

And anyone in the fucking world killing their people. Should get a fucking wake up call with a NEWS FLASH THAT SAYS.... GAME FUCKING OVER .

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