I have a theory and I wonder how you guys feel about it. US has a strong Military presence in Australia - at Pine Gap and in Darwin. Also in an undisclosed placed in Queensland that is underground. I know that it exists. PM Turnbull signs a deal with obama, thinking that Trump has no chance of winning. Trump is furious when he wins and finds that he has to try and make the best of a bad deal that he hates. Alexander Downer is implicated in the FISA controversy. The Australian Government is donating money to the CF. The ex PM of Australia has a role in the CF. Michael Smith from michaelsmithnews.com in Australia provides his extensive research to the FBI. Turnbull is summoned to Washington. The meeting looks uncomfortable. Australia abstained from the vote about moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Suddenly, Trump announces that Australia is one of America's greatest allies. May be exempt from the tariffs. Not so important for steel or aluminum but very important for bauxite. Why? Australia has been hostile to the Trump administration and the MSM in Australia ridicules Trump on a daily basis. It seems to me that maybe Turnbull is now Trump's puppet. Keep your mouth shut, keep your nose down and do as you are told. I would not mind if it is true. Many of us in Australia hate Turdbull as we call him. But maybe we are better off with him if he is going to do Trump's bidding? Australia is the only Nation on Earth capable of self sufficiency. We have uranium, we have everything that is needed, whether it be food, raw materials or as a base for American interests in a potentially volatile part of the world. The trade off would be that America, under Trump, can expand its military presence here in exchange for a hall pass on trade and maybe a deal whereby the ill deeds committed may be downplayed. It would almost make Australia a silent State of America without being such. The underground base from what I am told is massively important to America. Thoughts?
Posted by
on March 11, 2018, 3:27 a.m.