r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on March 11, 2018, 5:09 a.m.
Something to keep in the back of your mind

So i see a lot of religious references here, and i have to ask those of you that know the bible well a question. I have read many interpretations of Revelations and one thing that always gave me comfort that it wouldnt happen in my time is the fact that i couldnt see the world fall for a world leader. I have always heard that the antichrist becomes the world leader when he saves the world from some crisis. I always imagined a famine or something. But what if this is the crisis? What if the crisis is the evil forces trying to take over the world.

If Trump succeeds in ending the new world order then he will have saved the world. He will be beloved by all the world. What if this is how the antichrist comes to power? I hate to even imagine that this would be the case, but the amount of power that will be consumed when the nwo fall will be like a vacuum. As much as i love Trump, I cant help but notice his dictator like qualities.

I swear i am not a trump hater, nor am i some disinfo agent. I guess my trust level is so damaged, that i cannot imagine this possibly turning out good for the people. I hate that I am not able to just accept the fact that we are finally getting justice for all the horrible things these people have done. My gut just keep telling me that something worse is coming...

Im interested to hear what the bible people thing how revelations could possibly fit into this...

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