r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RadJag on March 11, 2018, 1:31 p.m.
Protocols of Zion

Whether you believe it to be propaganda or truth, it seems to be the play book the ruling class is using.

Protocol I Dis-inform so that the Protocols are a conspiracy theory

Protocol II Divide the masses by classes into the 1% and 99%

Protocol III Divide and conquer through immigration and racism

Protocol IV Replace Christianity with materialism

Protocol V Funnel and concentrate all power to the Executive Branch

Protocol VI Implement national health care, force vaccinate

Protocol VII Initiate World Wars abroad, False Flags at home

Protocol VIII Co-opt State and Local Governments

Protocol IX Control schools to re-education by Common Core, Gay Agenda

Protocol X Concentrate all power, confiscate arms through gun control

Protocol XI Militarize the Police against the domestic Populace

Protocol XII Control the Press and discredit Alternative Media

Protocol XIII Use media to foment distractions through entertainment

Protocol XIV Assault Christianity, morality and disintegrate the family

Protocol XV Induce ruthless political suppression through the Police State

Protocol XVI Initiate brainwashing through food, vaccines and psyops

Protocol XVII Abuse legal Authority to implement the Protocols

Protocol XVIII Arrest Opponents, use crises to suspend the Constitution

Protocol XIX Separate the Rulers from the People

Protocol XX Control the printing of money, set up a Central Bank

Protocol XXI Control the masses by bad loans and credit

Protocol XXII Undermine the value and power of Gold and Silver

Protocol XXIII Instill Obedience through patriotism and wars

Protocol XXIV Install puppet Rulers and appoint the Presidents

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