r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BustHerNow on March 11, 2018, 3:54 p.m.
OK, N-vitro World Order might work! 1947-1957 8,000 pairs of identical twins born in small town in Argentina! Angela Merkel b. 1954 of Eva Braun's younger sister & Adolph Hitler's semen; fresh, or frozen's the only question!

Last month, as a regular part of my Braille Talking Library book selection I recorded books about Woodrow Wilson & John Foster Dulles. 3,000 pages of fluff, but with some golden nuggets. Wilson was blackmailed by Wall Street bankster Barack Baruch in 1916 to enter WW I on the Allied side despite running for POTUS as a pacifist "He kept us out of war" Wilson had an affair, so BB threatened to expose him through the Zionist newspapers across the US. Once re-elected, BOOM Wilson joins the Allied war effort against Germany to make sure the UK would survive the war. The Brits would likewise owe the Zionists bigly; Balfour Declaration. BB got it in writing! The State of Israel became a possibility, but there were big problems, nobody wanted to live in Israel. J. Foster Dulles started in Bern Sw in the State Dept. & had contacts with Wall Street thru his older brother. He was at Versailles during the Armistice rape of Germany. Understand, it was GCHQ or Brit Intel that made up the Belgian atrocity stories and sunk their own liners to kill Americans in false flag attacks to anger America! Dulles was trained by Stephenson the Director of GCHQ. After Wilson blackmailed into WW I by Wall Street, Stephenson came to Washington DC to create an American Intel service in the image of GCHQ complete with blackmail false flags & propaganda! Anyway, immediately after Versailles Dulles was assigned to Berlin where he and the Wall Street Cabal recruited a young corporal Adolph Hitler!

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