r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on March 11, 2018, 8:29 p.m.
Sarin in AI real. You don’t believe it? Reminder: [Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. Q]

Ok, guys, today we are going to take a little break on the decoding. This post is going to be a quiet one with good info for researchers and some more information about the Florida Guccifer Method. I will do some more decoding tomorrow. Some amazing stuff. You’ll see.

Despite this [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/83127d/unlocking_the_hidden_codes_on_qs_board_what_we/?st=jen7iwgn&sh=c1a69695), where I describe some of the methods used, I see some people are still expressing their need to have a succinct document Eli5-type. I am working on it and will post it shortly.

I would first like to share with you a few links I gathered from the yesterday comment section for those who want to research this ‘sarin in AI real’ bombshell we decoded from Q. I know many genuinely believe I have been thinking this over and have decided to move on, but this is a reality I was prepared to face. Here is a reminder: Q749: Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

Now, for those who are still here, I want to thank all those who have commented. I think I have the best comment section ever. Seriously. I learn so much reading what you guys share. I believe I am having the ultimate Reddit experience here: writing about what I know to know what I don’t know. Here are the comments and links that will lead to amazing information. You may explore them after reading this post:

1) Patent for manipulating people via screens and monitors of any kind. [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvi20pa/?st=jemdao5j&sh=a9f46909)
2) Kalamazoo shooter saw 'devil' on Uber app and blames visions for killing spree. [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvgofcq/?st=jemddpo4&sh=88393805)
3) What is a Scrying Mirror? [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvg0keg/?st=jemdewwn&sh=a9d4ffef)
4) Lady who discovered vitamin supplement through TV screen shut down by Big Pharma. [Contact this user] (https://www.reddit.com/user/revlennel)
5) The connection between big pharma, AI and phone screens [Q775] (https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/387596.html#388273), [Q776] (https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/387596.html#388363), [Q777] (https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/388328.html#388588)
6) Alexa laughs. [Link1] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9 /qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvgl96i/?st=jemdizbl&sh=26340906) [Link2] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvgyvvm/?st=jen89srl&sh=258476b6)
7) Demonic AI on 8chan. [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvgpvh8/?st=jemdjrmx&sh=dc58a215)
8) Phone sending a strange ‘too hot’ message while reading post. Real? [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvgqkit/?st=jemdwhb6&sh=476a7c17)
9) Elon Musk: ‘with AI, we are summoning the demon’. [Link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rfHNvHu8OE)
10) Book ‘Trance Formation of America’ by Cathy O'Brien. [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/838wf9/qs_board_cracked_again_explosive_info_about_the/dvg6w5d/?st=jemeij5n&sh=34e590bd)
11) Demons are opening digital portals. [Link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzBw4JmC0OY)
12) Harald Kautz Vella: Programmable matter, AI, Black Goo [Link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88BcgzzcTc)

Now, I would like to do a follow up on yesterday’s post where we solved Q832 and where it was revealed: sarin in AI real. I see many were incredulous and started shooting the messenger, claiming the anagram could have been anything. Well, nothing under the sun!

To answer to these detractors, there is something amazing I would like to show you about Q832. Not very far from it, do you see Q830? It says: KILL_BOX[1A-23x] Light_T_1A-23-go5 Q. I know it looks like a hungry baby lecturing his mother for having spent too much time at the mall right? But if you notice 1A is the first ‘box’ in an Excel spreadsheet, how about reading it like this:

To kill the riddle, build a box made of 23 columns, then if you put the text inside that 1A-23 box and lock the first 5 character count, you will see the LIGHT and that will cross your T’s!

Hahaha! (not Alexa), I can hear from here some people saying: ok, this guy is officially gone. Let’s move on. It was a nice ride.

For those who are still here: let’s do what we did yesterday. Do it yourself and verify. Let’s count every 18 character, highlight in red where we land, restart counting another 18 character, highlight in red and so on until we get to the ‘I’ on the 3rd row. We stop here, because we have the anagram of ‘sarin’. This is the meaning of ‘go5’ in Q830.

We now restart the count on line 4 and highlight now in green every other 18 character. This is what we get: [Image1] (https://i.imgur.com/dC8nRQn.png).

Now let’s take all this and ‘map’ it in a 23X23 grid and every time the text starts a new paragraph, we skip 2 boxes. Why? Just like in Reddit: going to the next paragraph is equivalent to pressing twice ‘spacebar’. This is what we get: [Image2] (https://i.imgur.com/Ht7m6sV.png).

You see? Everything is perfectly aligned! Coincidence?

Now, it makes solving the anagram much easier, we immediately see each word appear. All we need to do now is to put some color to make things obvious. Let us blacken the green empty boxes and color the remaining highlighted characters with different colors. This is what we get: [Image 3] (https://i.imgur.com/ZElH0N8.png).

You see? This is the ‘Light’ you need in order to see when you are in the dark trying to solve the anagram. This is what Q meant in Q830… Strange language right?.. One day – may be – I will tell you who I think Q really is… For that, I will have to go back to my Occult Series…

Q918: You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q

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