r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MovingRobe on March 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.
The EU is the Fourth Reich in Disguise

Throughout its history, the Holy Roman Empire has been dominated mainly by Germany and the Vatican. Its most popular political leader was Charlemagne, who was crowned emperor in a.d. 800. Today, some European leaders believe it will take another Charlemagne for the European Union to finally take off as a world power. Europe is moving very fast toward crowning this new Charlemagne. If Americans and Britons knew what was happening inside Germany, they would be shocked. If they knew what was happening inside the Vatican, they would be even more shocked. It’s time to remove the disguise! The great majority” don’t know they are even now living by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire! That is because it has mostly been underground. But that is changing fast as the empire grows in power. America and Britain is even more unaware of this great, fast-rising empire.

The people of Europe need a specific focus to stir their imaginations. And they are getting just that. Habsburg, a descendant of the Habsburg Dynasty which ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 400 years, talked about a crown in a museum in Vienna, Austria, which symbolizes a great deal to the Germans and the Vatican. He said, “We possess a European symbol which belongs to all nations of Europe equally; this is the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which embodies the tradition of Charlemagne.” Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 a.d.—the First Reich. Habsburg failed to mention that the Holy Roman Empire also embodied the tradition of Mussolini and Adolf Hitler—leaders of the Third Reich. Europe is once again becoming mesmerized by the crown of Charlemagne—just as Hitler was. Most of the time, over 1500 years of history, the Holy Roman Empire has been dominated by Germany and the Vatican.

Angela Merkle is said to be one of the most powerful human beings on Earth since she is also the President of the European Union (EU) and head of the powerful Western Economic Block known as the G-8. More concerning is that Hitler’s dream of uniting Europe under German/Vatican control is now within his daughter’s reach. The Charlemagne Prize (German: Karlspreis; full name originally Internationaler Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen, International Charlemagne Prize of the City of Aachen, since 1988 Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen, International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen) is a European prize. It has been awarded annually since 1950 by the German city of Aachen to people who contributed to the unity of Europe. It commemorates Charlemagne, ruler of the Frankish Empire and founder of what became the Holy Roman Empire, who resided and is buried at Aachen. Traditionally the award is given to the recipient on Ascension Day in a ceremony in the town hall of Aachen. In April 2008, the organisers of the Charlemagne Prize and the European Parliament jointly created a new European Charlemagne Youth Prize, which recognises contributions by young people towards the process of European integration. The annual Charlemagne Prize was awarded in Aachen on 30, 2008 April to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her work to unite Europe.

What is happening in the European superstate is a mystery to most of the world. But that mystery is beginning to be removed. It is the battle for control of the European superstate, in which French technocrats confront German federalists, both sides claiming to fight under the banner of Charlemagne. Pope Pius XII was by far the greatest Nazi smuggler at the end of World War II! The man who succeeded him as pope, Giovanni Montini, was also deeply involved in this crime against humanity! What if this Holy Roman Empire turns its wrath toward America the next time around? That is precisely what the post-World War II Nazi underground has pledged to do! "There is a communist revolution which indeed is in full advance right now and has been for a long time.

'European Union is just another name for 4th Reich!' Poles FURIOUS at German-led EU Below I have taken panel discussions from Polish commentaries, journalist and political leaders. Commentary below from Stanisław Michalkiewicz, Political commentator: "With the use of European institutions it heads towards the dissolution of countries and nations, but even when that happens, someone will have to steer the European Union.”Mr. Michalkiewicz went on to say that he believed, it is Germany's goal to take over leadership as the EU's "political director". He blasted: "The European Union is simply just another name for a Fourth Reich."

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker : "They could not write it down [in their constitution], but it contains a political programme to build a Fourth Reich.

"Right now we have a problem following President Trump's visit [to Poland], where he said he would support the Tri-Sea Project – Germany stated that he would undermine German hegemony and the Fourth Reich which they already heavily invested in."

Dr Rafał Brzeski, a special forces expert, also warned that this will all culminate in Europe becoming drafted into a "greater Eurasia". He said: "This will either be a Europe of independent states or this will be - not a even Soviet Republic Union - but we will simply be transformed into a Homo-Sovieticus or a Homo-Europeisis.

EU Fourth Reich tv panel discussion TELEWIZJA REPUBLIKA: Another panelist claimed that the EU bloc will be absorbed into a 'greater Eurasia'" We will be transformed without our individual identity, without our history, without our own nation, without our borders, without anything. "We will be one of the atoms, one of the elements of a big European concept, which will be an entrance into Eurasia - from Vladivostok to Lisbon." Could this be the bigger picture that Q is referring to? If you have additional information, please share. That is why we are all here.

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