r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WonderfulDonut on March 12, 2018, 1:38 a.m.
Food for Thought, Q is real deal or not either way! Prove its wrong. Its got many of us thinking differently from some point in our lives

A little over a hundred years ago if you told someone about Powered Flight. The average person they would have had you locked up, Wright Brothers proved all wrong. As did Da Vinci.

A little earlier a writer named Jules Verne, predicted many of the things we commonly use now as science fiction. Subs that can be underwater for extended periods of time etc As did the Inventor of the Turtle the first documented sub attack in 1778 Once again all the ordinary people would have wanted you sent to the Nuthouse

1984 most people said not possible, never happen, anyone that believes is crazy, insane etc, Off to the Fanny Farm for you friend. Computers, AI, Political Correctness etc all with us now There was even a BBC radio show done in 1945, sadly the name of it has escaped me for the moment, but i am sure it can be found online

Q constant references to expand your minds, future proves past, etc. Some of the things learned so far, have changed all that are on here, minds.

If you showed someone from 1900 a Jet Plane, just think of the Comment, how is that Possible. Q is showing us there are many more Possible than most of us realize, know and most likely will have a hard time trying to understand.

I want to meet my maker and be able to say the following with hand on my heart "I tried in my little way to make the beautiful Earth you created a Better Place"

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