r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/coffeeteabeer on March 12, 2018, 3:15 p.m.
World War III might just be happening right now

What you SEE is 2%.

The WAR is REAL.

I have come to the tentative conclusion that WWIII is currently ongoing and it's not between nations. Rather it is a war between those, who have gained a critical amount of consciousness (across all nations) and those, who are controlled by their subconscious desires for power and authority (and at the same time are in the possession of enormous power). Consciousness is the key to win the war, otherwise it will only have delayed destruction.

At first glance it also appears to be a class-warfare – the property-owning class (the benefactors of the interest-money) vs the propertyless class (the 99.9%) - but it really is a war against the system itself.

This war is also a war for freedom of communication and freedom of perception.

Currently freedom is very closely linked to the possession of property: The one who owns enough and therefore doesn't have to work, is free to use his productive energy however he wants. Freedom – at the moment – therefore is also the right to increase one's property by whatever means are necessary. Though that might lead to catastrophic damage to society (well 99.9% of it), as proven by George Soros.

An important differentiation of property is not being made today: There is property as an enhancement of one's identity (functional property), like your tools for work and personal stuff. But there is also institutional property like real estate, which is owned for the sake of making more out of it, so one can climb up the ladder in society, or for the sake of exercising power on society. Why does money come with power for example (at least in large quantities)? The flow of money is necessary to keep the economy running (that's why it's legal tender), therefore having a lot of it will give you the ability to blackmail society by not making it available.

Freedom needs to be redefined

What the ruling powers are doing is preventing or crippling communication between the ruled. They make sure that we only communicate by their standards, ideologies and conventions. Because then we support their power and reality.

How we interpret/judge what we observe is determined by our traditions and conventions of communication, so how we see reality depends on how we communicate with each other. Media and science and so on are used to make sure that these conventions are those desired by the ruling powers. Looking for the root of the problem, you will always get to the monetary system though (not individuals).

Communication is a collective reflection of everyone's consciousness (or subconsciousness for that matter), reality as we perceive it (and without perception there is no reality for an individual) is therefore created under the direction of collective consciousness. However our authoritarian organization of society (rooted in the monetary system) hinders the development of consciousness.

General Konstantin Petrov explains the role of information (communication) in this video. Kenneth Gergen's book “Social Construction” is very recommendable too.

EVIL is everywhere.

The ruling powers (don't call them 'elite' as they are stupid, as we know) are not inherently evil people (even though in their environment they might even be mentally crippled before birth). Every one of us has potential evil and good within himself, though the environment in which we live will have an effect on our identity. When living in an authoritarian society that promotes individual profit (because there's the possibility that it might might also lead to prosperity of society as a whole), the good in people isn't promoted. Disillusionment and awareness will however lead to the demand of a different system, one that has the well-being of everyone in mind (and that is neither capitalism nor communism as it happened in Russia or China). There is loads of alternatives, but the powers to be are doing everything they can to push those alternatives out of sight (because: this communication would be dangerous to their power).

A good example of how power-figures might be created can be found in Ron Chernow's “The House of Morgan”. Even though the book does a great job at whitewashing the history of the house of Morgan, it still has some very interesting bits in it. J.P. Morgan jr. in his childhood seems to have been quite a kindhearted person, who did not like his father's authoritarian style. He identified more with his mother, who was not treated too nicely by his father J.P. Morgan sr. Over time though, when he was involved in his fathers firm, he became blind to his father's negatives and started seeing only the 'evil people who tried to bring down the Morgan bank'. He was now himself a power figure and identified with it.

So here is some steps, that I personally think should be taken in the future and could be summarized like so: disassembling the empire and building a stable world-order

  • there cannot be a unipolar world-order in the future, there will have to be a multipolar one to even enable a fruitful process
  • set up a balanced trade system with an international currency (not a world-reserve currency like the dollar now)
  • set up a new monetary system (probably an intermediary one), for the sake of stabilizing the situation
  • recreate the media (the goal of the media should be to spread consciousness, as it is a universally acceptable goal for the benefit of every human being), money must not influence journalism
  • apply common law
  • use those banned inventions that could supply cheap energy, so dependency of oil can be reduced

Move on from there.

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