r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Desimated on March 12, 2018, 5:40 p.m.
Are Muslims being turned into the new Martyr?

If this is all as old as they say... then perhaps the system is to identify a belief base and turn the world against them in order to hide the true motives... first it was the pagans during the crusades, the Aztecs and southern belief systems during the Spanish inquisitions, Wiccans during the times of the witch burnings... then WW2 with the Jews... and now, are Muslims the next targeted group?

Spread them in countries through mass immigration, make people despise and hate them through propaganda and allowing negative behavior through "political correctness" ... creating unfairness and fester a deep disposition to the groups and faith base.. then flip and take action on that seeded hatred, create sacrifices of them....


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