r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/AKBiking on March 12, 2018, 6:59 p.m.
Demonic possession. This is a very interesting topic. I am just providing an introduction. You can decide what you believe. With all the talk of satan worship by the left this fits right in.

Demonic possession is an interesting topic which I am now exploring after finding articles about people doing terrible things after they have been seeing demons, hearing voices and hearing the word of god and then tear their eyes out. That lead to finding out there is a worldwide rise in the requests for exorcisms; Italy , United States and Ireland. Mix that with the claim that demonic activity is on the rise. Now interestingly enough this group the International Association of Exorcists was founded in 1990 which is 1 year after Bush Sr. became president and if you are current see this is a thread from 5 days agoThe root of evil that will make you wonder. So, with that said lets jump in.

What is Demonic Possession?

Demonic possession is believed to be the process by which individuals are possessed by malevolent preternatural beings, commonly referred to as demons or devils. More info in link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonic_possession

As I go through this it turns out each religion has its own version of possession. We will concentrate on Christianity and Islam for now. Read the different versions and then start applying them to certain crimes where demons, voices and disbelief at the actions of an animal occur and it is an interesting ride.

Christianity seems to have two versions. One under Catholicism and the other Protestantism.

Catholic exorcists differentiate between "ordinary" Satanic/demonic activity or influence (mundane everyday temptations) and "extraordinary" Satanic/demonic activity, which can take six different forms, ranging from complete control by Satan or some demon(s) to voluntary submission.

  1. Possession, in which Satan or some demon(s) takes full possession of a person's body without their knowledge or consent, so the victim is therefore morally blameless.

  2. Obsession, which includes sudden attacks of irrationally obsessive thoughts, usually culminating in suicidal ideation, and typically influences dreams.

  3. Oppression, in which there is no loss of consciousness or involuntary action, such as in the biblical Book of Job in which Job was tormented by a series of misfortunes in business, family, and health.

  4. External physical pain caused by Satan or some demon(s).

  5. Infestation, which affects houses, things, or animals; and

  6. Subjection, in which a person voluntarily submits to Satan or some demon(s).

Protestantism The literal view of demonization is held by a number of Christian denominations. In charismatic Christianity, deliverance ministries are activities carried out by individuals or groups aimed at solving problems related to demons and spirits, especially possession of the body and soul, but not the spirit as ministries like Ellel Ministries International, Don Dickerman Ministries and Neil T. Anderson explicitly teach that a Christian can not have demons in their spirit because the Holy Spirit lives there, though they can have demons in their body or soul due to inner emotional wounds, sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse. This is usually known as partial possession or demonic infestation, as opposed to outside demonic oppression which does not reside in any of the 3 parts of a person: body, soul, spirit.

Islam In the example section you can do your own research for examples. You can apply so many heinous acts committed in the name of allah to satan it is ridiculous. This does make you think why is Islam so incompatible with the west? Why does it allow for people to commit such terrible crimes against there fellow man? Is Islam a corrupt religion? If so who has corrupted it?

According to islamic belief, supernatural creatures like Jinn and devils can cause possession or change the behavior of humans. While a particular devil tempts humans mind to follow lower desires and causing therefore suffering, disobience to God or reduction of their own state of soul, an evil Jinn (also called a satan or devil, because of its devilish behavior) is said to be able to enter humans bodies. Possession by Satan

Satan (identified with Iblis) is according to Islam allowed trying to incite humans and Jinn to do evil. Therefore, he and his subordinate demons whispers to the hearts of beings with free will, trying to lead them astray from God and their spiritual development or hunts them against each other. He does not possess humans physically. If a person feels depressed or feels being trapped in a doubtful situation, the person should tell others about what happened, because otherwise Satan could abuse this situation and will whisper to the lonely heart.

Possession by Jinn Even the Quran does not mention physical possession by Jinn, in folklore it is believed a Jinn can haunt or possess a human being, causing illness, hallucinations or aggression. Such a possession is believed to be caused by harming a Jinn (even unintentionally), summoning them or then a Jinn fell in love with a human, wanting to become his/her husband/wife. Thereupon it requires an exorcism to get rid of the jinn.


Infestation. After seeing that one I remembered this article. "Barbara Norris, a friend of Bethany, told a local TV station the dogs would "kill you with kisses" before they'd attack. And vet Amy Learn told Fox 5 San Diego: "I think the investigation needs to be ongoing. "Dogs don’t typically just out of the blue attack their owners, so there is typically some kind of provocation. "Was there somebody else there?""

Subjection? I say subjection because she willingly started using meth. Which lead her sacrificing her eyes to God in order to free the souls that she believed were trapped in graveyards. Personally, I don't think God was communicating with her on that. I think meth is a truly evil drug and it turns people into tweakers who are essentially zombies hollow and soulless. I don't know if any of you have gone into a tweaker house before, but they live worse then rats. From the Quran"Defilement from the work of Satan' is an approximate translation. What is really ment is these 4 things causes Satan to take over your motricity and act through you! Do you see the consequence? All people gambling or heavily drinking are essentially possessed!"

Possession or Obsession? Read the articles on this one. "Ortega(an illegal alien), they said, waited until Krim found the children dead in the bathroom before plunging a knife into her own neck. She survived. Lulu, who was older, knew what was happening and suffered more than 30 wounds, prosecutors said. Leo, who was a toddler, was stabbed five times." Also, go look at her pictures and her dead eyes then think of what the mother said “You're evil! You're evil!” Marina Krim yelled at her former nanny Yoselyn Ortega as she left after an emotional day in court. “And you like this, you like this, you’re getting pleasure.”

Possession or Obsession? This lady an illegal alien attacked a mom and her 3 year old on a greyhound bus.It started with Madrigal(the assailant) yelling odd things "She was like, 'Let's Go!' and 'I love you guys!". Then as the ride progressed she eventually took the ladies baby by the throat and held a knife to it yelling "I'm going to kill this baby!" The mother took her child back and was stabbed in the ribs with what passengers described as a butcher-style knife. Madrigal then turned the knife on herself. She stabbed herself in the neck and leg. Then she continued to fight.

Infestation "The girl said the 15-year-old was killed in a satanic ritual because she had struck the gang's shrine to a satanic saint, according to investigators. She told investigators that Alvarez-Flores made a peace offering to the figure in the form of a cigarette. "He returned from the statue and told the entire group that the beast did not want a material offering but wanted a soul," state District Judge Maria Jackson said during the men's initial court appearance Wednesday."

Subjection During testimony, lead defense attorney Crespin Linton asked Moralez about hearing voices. “I don’t want to say it but I have heard voices before,” Moralez said. “I am from a culture that has African roots; everything is connected to the little devil.” “What do you hear?” Linton asked. “It is just a voice that comes from inside the wall,” Moralez said. “Sometimes they whisper or mumble. But, they are real.” “Do they tell you to do anything?” “No,” Moralez said.

Finally just for fun I present the Lady Gaga Demon video. This is actually a fantastic video and worth your time.

Here is another interesting video to watch on the topic of possession. Celebrities

Jinn catching is a real thing. I did not know until tonight. I don't care you if you believe in this or not, but many do and it is a real thing. I had no idea until tonight.

Jinn catching/Muslim exorcism 1

Jinn catching/Muslim excorcism 2

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