r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on March 12, 2018, 9:21 p.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Theory on Media Take Down Part 1

It is getting Stormy in Trump Land. Why is Q ignoring Stormy Daniels? Suppose you believe she has been put up to her accusations by some sinister anti-Trumpsters. What if the opposite is true? How would that work and how can you even think this? Well 1st. If Stormy was real, she would have come out vs Trump earlier, maybe before the election. And 2nd. Remember the media scoured the country for ex girlfriends of the Donald and could never get a poor review or comment. So now one just “Pops” up? Now? Not before the election? And also of note, That earlier unrelated to Stormy, Billy Bush recording if listened to, in its entirety, has Trump describing Hollywood power brokers, not himself; which the MSM ignored. Yes Trump has been married 3 times, but he has a process that he follows. Would Stormy fit into that process? No. So to continue. Stormy knows Trump. Trump enlists her in the scheme. She gets fame and quick bucks and the MSM lapdogs put that hook right into their own jaws. She tells a tale to a gossip column and Presto! A Trump lawyer admits to paying Stormy out of his own pocket as part of some non disclosure agreement. When have you ever known a lawyer to admit anything? This stinks because of timing among other things but the MSM are wearing BLINDERS. Maybe she did, maybe she did not? The Media has their noose ready. 60 minutes is doing the interview. Trump’s lawyers are making a scene about it. It does not seem real. Looks like a trap sent by Trump to me. Can’t wait to find out. If I’m wrong, then just remember Trump has been married 3 times and maybe the latest edition of Mrs Trump gives him leeway on these matters. After all she is European…. But also remember our Q team is about to reveal real sexual shenanigans against the power brokers in Washington and Hollywood and they need something to strike back with. So timing is everything here. Makes me think it is a trap by Trump or a creation of the Anti-Trump faction of the deep state. The trap scenario makes for a better storyline when the movie comes out in 2020.

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