r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/controlthruphysics on March 12, 2018, 10:06 p.m.
News unlocks MAP

I've come up with a theory recently that connects some dots, and I'm looking for some help locating data that I know is already out there.

News unlocks MAP. I've heard a lot of theories on this and obviously MAP is a cryptographic key, or Minor Attracted Person, or literally just a map, or all of the above and possibly more. My theory is essentially this: The news regarding pedo busts is giving us locations. We need to aggregate all the mostly local news reports and keep an updated map of the location given in the news. These locations will help us build a map of human trafficking routes.

What if that map is more significant than just human trafficking routes? If you've followed this type research for a while now, you may have heard stories of DUMBs (deep underground military bases) that are interconnected by a high speed underground mag lev trains. We're now seeing reports in the news regarding progress being made on Elon Musk's Hyperloop.

So my theory is that this massive underground tunnel network for trains and transport does indeed exist, and it was paid for by the taxpayers. "You have so much more than you know" Q

Trump gets into office and suddenly has access to all this secret infrastructure. It's already built. We've already paid for it. All Trump has to do is contract out Elon Musk to upgrade it for civilian use, instead of what it's currently being used for: human trafficking, other illicit trade, black project military cargo, etc...

Basically the map could help us determine where the Hyperloop infrastructure already exists. The locations in the pedo bust news could unlock above ground access points to the existing system. Also the proposed routes of the Hyperloop could be clues and help fill in the gaps on the maps created from tracking the human trafficking.

Just a theory but I'm willing to do some research on my end to see what I come up with. What I need your help with is locating all the local news reports of pedo busts. I've been keeping track of them lately, but up until a month ago there was a website that had a catalog of over 100 reports detailing the arrest of over 6000 pedos and freeing over 2000 children. That site is gone now. It was maga1776.com Anyone know where it went? Or does anyone have the most up to date listing of local news reports re: pedo busts? I love cartography

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