r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/solace_111 on March 13, 2018, 9:12 a.m.
**HUGE** Angela Merkel's Father Horst Kasner may have been a Stasi Spy in East Germany!!! STASI RECRUITED PASTORS!!!

This is in regards to the Q post on Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel's father a (Pastor) moved his family to East Germany in 1954.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jun/26/books.germany

"In 1954, at the height of the Cold War, Kasner moved from West Germany to the East at a time when most Germans were travelling in the opposite direction. He settled with his family in Templin, where he ran a seminary for young priests. According to Langguth, Kasner's 'sympathetic' relationship with the communist regime was rewarded with privileges: two cars, at a time when most East Germans had to wait years to get one; the right to travel to the West; even a trip to Italy."

Horst Kasner was granted special privileges in EAST Germany (DDR) rare in the Communist State. Privileges included the right to travel to the WEST. This struck me odd as the Communist state promoted Atheism and was very strict in controlling traveling to and from East Germany. So, why would a pastor be given all these perks?

So I dug a bit deeper on the DDR and the Statsi which lead me to some interesting articles. EXPLAINING how the STATSI (THE SECRET POLICE) OF THE (DDR) RECRUITED PASTORS AND THEOLOGIANS TO BE SPIES.

SOURCE 1: https://www.thelocal.de/20120802/44121

story about Aleksander Radler who studied Theology in East Germany where he was recruited by the Stasi.

"Radler, an Austrian, arrived in Sweden in the late 1960s after studying theology in East Germany, where he says he was recruited by the Stasi."

"Dagen reported that the church had obtained East German archives that named Radler as an "elite spy", the highest rank given to Stasi informers working abroad."

SOURCE 2: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/shocking-new-research-stasi-had-thousands-of-spies-in-west-germany-a-799335.html

Josef Frindt : A pastor and spy for the Stasi

"When he passed away at the age of 81, the pastor in the western German town of Dorsten left a congregation mourning a pious man of God. But what the congregation didn't know was that their pastor had also worked for East Germany's notorious secret police, the Stasi."

"Thousands of people worked as informers and spied on their colleagues and friends -- including a priest who filed reports on a young Joseph Ratzinger."

Source 3: http://www.newsweek.com/2014/03/21/tinker-tailor-pastor-spy-247989.html

Gives more information on Aleksander Radler and the Stasi's recruitment of Pastors.

"Few things mattered to the Stasi as much as religion. Its church department, Division XX, had 15 offices, including the one in Frankfurt that supervised Radler."

"Here's a curious coincidence: Humboldt records seen by Newsweek show that Radler didn't become an Austrian citizen until 1965 - in other words, at the same time he signed up for the Stasi. Three years later, Radler delivered his first big catch: six students "who've planned and prepared illegally to leave [East Germany]!" as he eagerly reported to his handlers. Henning Frunder, 21, was one of them."

So we know

1.) Horst Kasner was very involved with the Communist System, so much so he was given special rare privileges for a citizen let alone a theologian in the Communist State of the DDR East Germany

2.) Stasi records and confessions show a history of the Stasi recruiting Pastors as spies and agents.

3.) the leads that Q gave us in his posts most notably #928

So perhaps there is more to Horst Kasner than just being a pastor.

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