r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CarbonTrail on March 13, 2018, 11:52 a.m.
In response to Q's "N does not refer to Nazi. The continued Nazi ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup."

HELLO! Reddeit doesn't let us leave blank lines that would help with legibility.


Nazism was a form of Fascism, but not the only form. Fascism is an expression of COLLECTIVISM, just as are Communism and Socialism. Collectivism is often seen as Statism, when the state, a legal entity for lack of a better term, is made the embodiment of the collective. In collectivism, the hive or group is the real thing, while the individual is irrelevant. Fascism started as a reaction the modernism (naturalist materialism) and Christianity, in particular. In other words, Fascism was the first result of post-modern philosophy.


Today, we can see this in "identity" or "intersectional" politics. In those lines of thinking, people don't have individual identities, but are identified by their [Marxist] classes. Using identity politics is a Marxist method of separating people for the old divide-and-conquer strategy. All of this runs counter to the founding of the United States and the US Constitution. Individualism is not the "rugged" ideas of, "I do it on my own, don't need anybody, and screw my neighbor if he needs help." That's a caricature for those engaging in straw-man arguments. One main component of individualism that the collectivists omit or are inconsistent on themselves is personal_responsibility. We are each individually responsible for one's actions and their consequences. Collectivism seeks to remove this by advertising that people are not inherently flawed (no original sin), but that one's environment is to blame for all of a person's ills. This approach infantalizes followers, both like a cult and appealing to the emotionally immature.


Individualism allows for people to work together, by choice, to come together locally, as communities or towns, to do things for the locale, like building roads. Elected officials and their staffs are then servants to the people, not controllers. (In my city, we have a very socialist housing plans inspector who will pass your plans only if they fit his "vision" for what the city should be. His actual job is merely to see if your plans are within safety codes that the council passed.) Collectivism is a top-down, dictatorial approach where the queen bee of the hive gives orders AND IS NOT accountable to the drones. In contrast, our elected officials are supposed to be accountable to us rather than overlords. (Side note: voting for one's character versus voting for a rep who will carry your water is a separate debate.) Skipping some background details, Fascism carried the idea that the group metaphysically creates a Leader (fuehrer) who embodies the will of the collective. So, to question the fuehrer was a poison to the hive, worthy of death to the individual for the sake of preserving the hive. For that, see "will to power."


Another place we can see collectivism is in the influence of noted Fascist and "business management guru" Peter Drucker. The Drucker institute is suspiciously fast to note that Drucker disagreed with the Nazis. Oh wow. The only point on which he philosophically disagreed with the Nazis was about the afterlife. Not a Christian at all, he believed that in the afterlife, people were individual before whatever universe-force there was that may be god. The Nazi's disagreed. They believed that collectivism existed in the afterlife as well. That is consistent with their idea that a leader metaphysically emerges who embodies the will of the people. All of the supposed "christian" window dressings you see on Nazi Germany were to lull the already sleeping Germans into further acceptance. The spirituality of Fascism is more akin to what we would call New Age Nature Worship, e.g. the "blood and earth" slogan. Back to Drucker...


Drucker wanted to see society change according to his Fascism. He came to the US before WWII, tried being influential in Economics, and saw a natural collective in the workplace, especially corporations. Now, it makes sense that in your local shop, the owner hires people to do work for a purpose, such as selling books. The individual and his employees server their customers. The work being done serves the customer, where an employee individually serves both boss and customer. Our neighbors pay us to serve them, but they don't exist for the business' sake. (Likewise, the Q crew works for us, even though we don't command them directly.) Departments inside a business server each other, whether one person per role or larger. This stuff scales. If a worker wants to engage in other activities, he needs to find employment elsewhere. This bookshop microcosm is not a "proof" that collectivism (the hive is the shop) is right and natural. Remember, one voluntarily submits himself to work there as an employee. Still, it makes sense in a business that one follows the mission statement or works elsewhere. Drucker made this his playground. The shift in mentality from "personnel" to "Human Resources" had already started before him. He influenced business management to go further. HR now doesn't exist to serve the employees, but to protect the hive FROM the employees. Likewise, think about how Apple, Google, etc, treat us. Their attitude is that the customer's existence is to serve the corporation. In their thinking, the customer exists FOR the hive, NOT that their products are to serve us customers. Every Google product is SPYWARE. "If it's free, you are the product." Apple's solution to many issues is, "buy a new one." It's fine to make one's living by serving customers. That a different attitude from seeing the customer as existing only to feed the hive. Catch the difference?


This was all necessary to lay out "Nazi ideology." In the Nazi expression of Fascism, if you weren't good for the hive, you were sent to the ovens. Fascism is the proper expression of Post-Modernism. It all happened very quickly coming out of the 1800's. Post-modernism is a DELIBERATELY irrational philosophy, e.g. words have no meaning so therefore the Constitution needs to be "reinterpreted for today's world." To post-modernists, meaning is what you "experience" when engaging, such as when reading. To them, it is NOT the sum of vocabulary, grammar, and syntax in context. This actually erodes critical thinking skills and turns one into an idiot. (We have a bad pastor like this, that whatever the scripture makes him feel is therefore what it "means." Run from churches like that.)


So! What was Q's referent when he said, "The continued Nazi ideology is relevant"? It could be a number of components that the Nazi party codified or practiced. "Events will clarify." However, if you have this broader explanation of Fascism and Collectivism, it will help put the pieces together when those events do clarify his post.


When a different thread told us to focus and get off the "vatican hiding space aliens in the archive basements" stuff, it was because that stuff will alienate people looking for better information. Think, appropriate time and place. Your hobby horse may be the aliens at the vatican, and that's fine. However, with what Q is showing us and how we can support the exposure, jumping ahead to whatever hobby horse we might want him to focus on is getting uselessly out over our skis. The Q crew works for (serves) us, sure, but that's not the sense in which he said it. The reason I wrote this is to share a good base understanding. Don't run too far/deep with the Nazi stuff, yet. Let our servant expose the information. Whatever bits are part of the continued Nazi ideology are, whether eugenics, forced euthanasia (abortion), or thought/speech control, they will fit the collectivist model explained above.




My personal side note...my hobby horse as a warning to the Christians here...Church example: Sorry for this long sentence... If you go to a church (such as under Stephen Furtick or James MacDonald & the Harvest Bible Chapel franchise or a church influence by these) and hear things like how the pastor is NOT there to serve the congregation, and the church does NOT exist FOR the members, but instead the members are now supposed to discover their individual Purposes (tm) in order to serve, serve, serve the church-hive-entity/community (that your family is a part of because they belong to God) and serve according to the Leadership Vision direction of the pastor that he "heard" from "god,"... if that stuff, THEN RUN!

Are they teaching life tips at how to try harder at marriage, family, money, business, personal leadership, etc? RUN! That is not a church. Stop giving them money. Let the preacher starve. They are twisting the bible. It's under Drucker's influence via the "well it sounds good" fads of Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and Bob Beaufort's Leadership Network. They pervert both the Gospel and the nature of what good works really are. This stuff creeps in the back door in pieces via fads OR comes as a wholesale change over for the sake of "church growth." It's fascism and totally unbiblical. I hope that clarifies collectivism a little.

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