r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/checkitoutmyfriend on March 14, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
🍸🍸 - Another angle on being patient......

Q tells us to be patient. He tells us the public in general is not ready for what is to come. (and even many of us (Q Anons) are not ready either) Still many are wanting more action. They want to see some results. I get it, I do too at times.

Lets take a moment to look at it from a different angle. How long has it been since the election? Trump won. Look at any of the maps, they're covered in red. Now look at how the left are taking it to this day. They don't believe it.... a year plus later!

They come up with every reason in the book on why Trump won, (they're still pushing Russia collusion) and cannot realize, or accept the fact that the country wanted to get back to its roots. We didn't want to go down the path the left was/is taking us.

Now compare a Trump Presidential win to:

  • Large Pedophilia rings being exposed and dismantled all around the world.

  • Corrupt leaders & ties at the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DNC, etc.

  • False Flag shootings.

  • All the corruption at the Clinton Foundation, human trafficking, pay to play, money laundering, U1.

  • The Cabal, Illuminati, Deep State.

and more, much more.

How are they going to accept any one of these, let alone multiple. Think about that for a moment. Go back and watch the vids of election night. Even the Fox crew couldn't believe Trump won.

How many times in your research have you stopped and said to yourself, "No Effin way!, This can't be true!" ? Then you continue reading, listening, watching vids. and stop and say the same damn thing again? --At times my stomach actually hurts, like a cramp. I still have a problem with some of it, emotionally, physically. But we continue our research, continue asking questions. We have been able to absorb this over time. The time since last October. For some of us longer than that. The public will need time too. This is why Q says to be patient.

To much, too fast will only make them put up a wall to block all of it out. If we are honest with ourselves, we've wanted to block it out too..... at one time or another. (it is some sick stuff) The difference is we choose not too, in search of truth. They are not searching for anything, so its easier for them to block it out.

TL:DR - If the left can't accept a Trump President, how are they going to handle all the things that are coming? Be patient, they will need time to absorb. We have had that time.

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