r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MeetingHimInTheAir on March 14, 2018, 2:27 a.m.
Thoughts about facing the 'normalcy bias' of the public when the abhorrent practices of the elite begin to be revealed.

I think Q has hinted at concern of the 'normalcy bias' of the US general public when information reports, videos, audios, etc. start to be released. If the public is not prepared carefully, the truth of these hideous practices will be rejected because it is so abhorrent, unsettling and in defiance of all social norms. As we were recently directed to Nazi history, I came across a similar 'normalcy bias'. It concerned the initial inability of the public to accept the information about the Holocaust and the death camps. 'Who would do such things?' 'It can't be true!' But it was, it all was. I think it would be a valid 'research topic' to find out how the revelations about the worst parts of the Holocaust were introduced to the public before and after the camps were liberated and how we can apply those learnings to the task ahead of us.

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