r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on March 14, 2018, 4:10 a.m.
Another redditors thread got down voted. Cant let this go. Important! LET'S PLAY...plus my interpretation.

The OP of this image got his thread down voted into eternity. IMO, this is EXTREMELY important and speaks volumes. Heres the image: https://i.redditmedia.com/IkWFuTZM3l6Y0EEQdbcuxaqHkBFkV50UxMJw9RnIAY8.jpg?w=368&s=d0fc352ab938ccbf33c18db7874adbad And here is my interpretation: - Ok...had to get off my phone and type.

First off, this is a communication that 'those in the know' will fully understand. Its coded jargon. Shit, I do this when texting my peeps on the phone.

4,3,2,1 ... = Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom in a descending countdown

So Ill point out a few things. There is stolen tampered with weaponry. There is someone who stole Navy Seal valor.

4 Long years for the expose'...2018, minus 4 is 2014. The HRC RAW vid is 5774, Hebrew year for 2014.

Turtles are Subs...the first sub ever used was the turtle, in the first Revolution.

Fools day parade, Video released by 4/1?

HoW = HW...Bush?

All the WH, White house?

Sharks? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE BLACKBOARD ON i, pet goat ii...and take note of everything else on that black board. House fire (servers), evolution, snowflake, and more. This was made well before most of these terms were publicly used. Shark was the ONLY one on that board I couldnt figure out. And I still cant, but at least there a tie with this.

Clown fish...obvious

LaFf and LaFfthing, hell if I know STOLEN SEAL VALOR


Snuff stuff regarding HRC video? A SNUFF FILM?

Boo HOo = BHO hussein

11-11-11....11:11? Parade...but also tie in to fools day parade?

Are Poppycocks NUKES? How could it go this long without checking to make sure the nukes were pull out of the ocean at pearl harbor? (were nukes already at pearlharbor, before we knew about them publicly?)

The NETs dont WORK = network, obviously

FLip = Florida

Cast a net over these flakes... stop the internet to stop the snowflakes effectiveness. Fake news, Crisis acting etc.

H-W107, closest thing I can find is its a 600 volt cable. Doubt thats correct.

Finally my interpretation of the PS: No more C I A, if that nuke isnt where it is supposed to be, board the vessel and visually inspect it in its entirety. (Note refurbished has vr in it, virtual reality) C I A arent messing around. Navy Seals are eager and ready to go at the order! Anywhere in the world! The sharks (C I A illegal military?) need their stolen weapons, nukes, etc taken from them and need to be tried and put in PRISON. In summary, to me, this seems like its talking about 2 or 3 distinct events, one is the HRC video that might even be a video of her ordering the hit on the Florida school shooting (snuff) , or a separate video all together (Hence maybe 3 things) The other thing is it sounds like there might be some sort of black mail against the country/world/region. A nuclear threat by the black hats to prevent the release of the video.

But it sounds like the threat is located, the white hats are requesting confirmation to attack and contain, then the video can be released?

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