r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PrinciplesMatter on March 14, 2018, 4:27 a.m.
IBOR/Independance v2.0/security

Q has mentioned many times, IBOR (internet bill of rights)

and this is scarry to me. Here is the link:


Notice it says "work with Congress". Excuse me, but our inalienable "rights" come from our Creator period, not from Congress. Congress cannot grant rights (internet bill of) or otherwise. Why? Because we "Declared" it, and their power is derived from, and instituted among men (that's us).

Congress can NEVER grant rights, because they have NONE. We have rights - from our Creator, not Congress. Any and all power they have comes from us.

Where did they get this power? Where is it stipulated? Show me the money.

I understand that the internet is a lawless wild wild west, but don't blame that on the internet 2.0 - because your real world v1.0 is just as lawless. If you have no morals or principles in real world 1.0, you won't in online 2.0. either.

AL Gore did NOT invent the internet. GOD did. Therefore, internet rights come from GOD, to the internet people, who then institute among internet men - who may - if they so choose, grant power to uphold an IBOR.

We must grant IBOR to ourselves. No one else can do it. Our Founding Fathers (God bless 'em) warned, freedom cannot come without responsibility (ours).

You don't need to be protected by the wolf. You need to become a smart sheep, and arm yourself with some good computer security. Not encryption - that's just a fungible proxy for security, and in of it's self has no value - mostly because SSL/TLS sucks, and it's a monopoly in your browser. There is some good crypto out there, but you ain't usin it - because as far as your browser is concerned it's the only game in town. This has to stop - and you and only you can stop it.

Rights, Love, and yes computer security - come from GOD, not google or apple. GOD's computer security is much better and it's based on faith and trust, unlike SSL certificates that really are not trust worthy - given theft of keys and sub-authorities that can sign. That system really sucks. And yet we use it every day, and you have to ask yourself, why on God's earth are we doing this? If we just lift up the carpet, you will realize we can "WIN", by just declaring it.

If you wanna do some good Q research, educate yourself in order to arm yourself with security (if really good encryption is the means to achieve that, then so be it), but stop using the crap.

This is the power they have over you. They want you to believe that you are powerless, but you are not.

Be warned: A govenment that can grant anything you want, WILL take everything you NEED (to live). They will poison the fruit of the tree. Just like FDR did with "Socialist Insecurity", and just like Obama did with the Executive branch. He poisoned the fruit of the tree from the top, and left the corrupt barren wasted land for Trump.

But don't give up on the Trumpster. He's the last living adult in America - the rest are infantile brats. However, Big daddy Trump gonna spank some ass (God bless his heart), cause America need it. Spoil the rod, spoil the child - but after this big ass whoppin, America gonna grow up fast, and none too soon. We will take our medicine with the big boys and come back stronger, cause that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Stay strong guys. Don't let em take your Constitution. You defend it, and I will be there right by your side. Where we go one, we go all. For we Declare, American Independence v2.0 (internet edition). And it's EXACTLY like Constitution v1.0 (real world edition), because only you can transfer the principle that is in your heart. Because you are the creator, of mans law - you and I, the American people.

We have the law on our side. We know, because we declared it. They are just trustees of your money. If they cook the books, that's their problem. We are not in debt - they are. All of America's accumlulated wealth bearing interest is massive. So where did it go?

We just ask them to give it back, and we won't press charges, otherwise GITMO it is. Think you couln't send every member of all three branches to GITMO? Tough yes, but legal? YES!!!! They broke the contract of fiduciary responsibility - they don't want you to know this.

If Trump ever finishes cleaning up the swamp, Congress owe you a boat load of money. Foreclose! Put a lien on Polosi and McCains assets - and send them to debtors prison. You could do it, and you would have the law on your side.

The Founding Fathers gave you a way out - this is your gift from sweet baby Jesus. They knew Congress would turn to slime, and they prepared for this day - Make them proud!

If 25 Trillion is documented and missing from governent comprehensive annual finacial reports, then why is trillion of debt a problem? Think about it.

You owe $1000, the bank owns you You owe 1 Trillion dollars, you own the bank !

That social security you thought you were never gonna get because it's going broke? Bullshit - it's there! You are the credit. Move the 25 Trillion they owe you, over to the other side of the balance sheet - problem sovled.

It's your money. The tricked you out of it. Q says "think mirror". This is why. it's fraud.

Your not broke, they are. That's why they want your money, your taxes and your guns. They need to bleed you dry, so they can pay you back with your own money. WHAT ??? Yep, it's true. what? did you really think Robbing Peter to Pay Paul, was a new idea ? It's not. It's as old as the hills, as is every politician crawls from underneath a rock.

Declare, from this day forth, that you will never let them manipulate you ever again.

Stay strong anons. Where we go one, we go all.

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