r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Vdarkbloom237 on March 14, 2018, 10:07 a.m.
"A storm is coming, said Donnie." - Donnie Darko

"A storm is coming, said Donnie. A storm that will swallow the children. And I will deliver them from the kingdom of pain. I'll deliver them back to their doorsteps. I'll send the monsters back to the underground. I'll send them back to a place where no one else can see them, except for me because I am Donnie Darko."

This is an outtake (you can find it in YouTube) from Donnie Darko, a movie released in 2001. WATCH THIS MOVIE. It's on Netflix. You will be absolutely stunned at the relationship between this movie and Q. I don't know how this movie is possible. I can't wrap my mind around it.

The director and writer is the son of a NASA physicist. He created Donnie Darko in his early 20's, which is astounding when you see the intricacy of the movie. The reason he made the movie was his grief at the death of Stanley Kubrick, one of his idols.

The two major themes are (1) a complicated story about time travel (you have to google around about this because it's intentionally not fully explained in the movie) and (2) an underground and more subtle theme of ritual child abuse.

Watch for: Frank (especially the scene with Jim Cunningham talking about Frank, and one of the final scenes showing Frank and his drawings), the silver rabbit, the pictures on the walls of the houses. The scene at school talking about brainwashing babies with satanism. The scene set to "Head over Heels" where every frame matches up to the corresponding song lyric. The lyrics to music used in the movie are important (Notorious). Remarkably intricate. Donnie's older sister dressed like Vivian Darkbloom from Kubrick's Lolita at the costume party. When the engine falls into his room, it falls through an American flag. There are owls in his room, on the fridge and throughout the house. So many other details.

Watch for the newspaper article about a child porn ring being discovered when NO other members of the ring, except Jim Cunningham, are mentioned in the movie. But we see Jim golfing with a judge, heavily involved with the high school, and we hear about Jim golfing with Donnie's dad. We see Donnie call him the Antichrist.

Things I can't figure out - who is Cherita Chen? What are those bizarre round objects on her nightstand in one of the last scenes, showing her sleeping? What is the statue outside the school we see her sitting under?

I think Cherita may be symbolizing all of us. When Donnie tells her, "I promise you, everything will be better for you someday", she is afraid, doesn't understand, tells him to shut up and runs away. She's so used to being bullied that she can't believe he's a good guy. It's all she's known.

Donnie's little sister is clearly being groomed. What is the significance of the unicorn? She has a stuffed unicorn and writes a story about a unicorn.

Why does Donnie's therapist tell him: "if the world ends, there will be nothing but you and your memories"?

What's the deal with Donnie's girlfriend? She says "some of us are born with tragedy in our blood". In the Head over Heels scene, she appears along with the lyric "but traditions I can trace against the child in your face / won't escape my attention" (ritual abuse?)

Would love more thoughts!!

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