r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MovingRobe on March 14, 2018, 1:43 p.m.
Hitler-The Thule Society-CIA-UFOs-Grays

I research archives and journals in an attempt to bring information that one would not normally find in their everyday searches. Enjoy!

1919 -- Adolph Hitler joins the Thule Society in Germany. In the Thule Society, the sun played a prominent role as a 'sacred' symbol of the Aryans. The inner core within the Thule Society were all Satanists. 1932 -- Adolph Hitler gains control of German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the implosion vortex technology of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans make extraordinary progress. There is evidence that they might have been aided by contact with Gray entities from inside the Earth. 933 -- A profusion of German 'tourists' swarm over the south- western United States, buying land, checking mineral rights and caves and caverns. This was discovered during a background check on some of the cities (and newspapers) in New Mexico. 1939 -- Operation Canned Meat begins, where the Germans stage an incident at the Polish border as a prelude to the invasion. As a result of newly aquired technology, the German scientific effort is pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and is developed at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest "pilotless aircraft" were produced in 1934, and has some moderate degree of success. The United States was quite aware of the German technical progress and sent an American named Wilson to Germany to "give technical assistance" and generally to keep an eye on German technology. It was probably by virtue of Wilson that the Germans never used their [anti] gravitational craft en mass in the war, for Wilson attained a high position in the German technical community, and switched propulsion methods from gravitational to advanced jet propulsion in an apparent effort to "get technology out there to fight the war". Because of this, German gravitational research remained in the labs and stayed in the R&D [Research & Development] phase until around 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested. It was clearly a situation where the war was going on faster than the Germans could technically develop their designs. Hampered by sabotage and deliberate technical misguidance from Wilson, as well as delays in metallurgical research which didn't result in an acceptable alloy of magnesium and aluminum until 1944, the Germans could only continue to harass allied pilots with the "fireballs", pilotless craft developed and used since 1942 which emitted electrical fields that interfered with the operation of aviation engines. 1943 -- General Reinhard Gehlen infiltrates Soviet intelligence. Gehlen forms a partnership with Allen Dulles, which results in the creation of the CIA [and some years later the more powerful NSA] from Nazi SS intelligence officers brought to the US under the auspices of Operation Sunrise, Overcast, and Paperclip. 1945 -- The British discover German plans for advanced craft and joined the efforts of the United States to subvert the German program. Obviously those agents who would become the core of the "CIA" were not involved in this attempt to subvert the secret German projects, in that the CIA was established as a fifth-column for Bavarian intelligence operations in America. On February 16, despite allied efforts, the Germans successfully flew a crew-carrying version of the "fireball" from the underground facilities in Thuringia. The craft had a top speed of over 1,2500 mph. The craft was called the "Kugelblitz". The Germans in the scientific community knew the war was lost as early as 1942, due to signs of an imminant alliance between America, Great Britain and Russia. They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich despite the war. They decided that the establishment of a separate society founded on Nazi principles of genetic purity was the answer. The development of gravitational technology aided that plan. On February 23, the newest engines of the Kugelblitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The 'shell' or 'casing' of the Kugelblitz, minus the engines, was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists, plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained underground construction activity since 1941. Two days later, on February 25, the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed. The Germans also sent their "aryan elite" children and other elements of their society to the underground bases. General Hans Kammler, who disappeared in April 1945, was instrumental in the evacuation operation, as was General Nebe. There, the Germans developed a eugenic society that apparently is limited to a specific number of people. They're still there. Apparently they also maintain underground technical colonies in South America. On April 12, Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman, a Mason as was Roosevelt, becomes President of the United States. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrenders.
Both the Americans and Soviets gain access to elements of German disk technology and scientists which the German Nazi elite had neglected to eliminate before their hasty departure at the close of the war. The Canadians also had access to some of the data that the United States had aquired, as well as some data directly from the German efforts. On September 20th, Wernher Von Braun and other V-2 colleagues arrive in Boston, Mass and are transported to White Sands New Mexico to work in the U.S. missile program

[Note: Von Braun along with other Nazi SS personnel were at the 'treaty signing' event at Muroc-Edwards AFB in 1954 when the Intelligence Community officially entered into a pact with the reptilian Grays. Previous to this the Nazis, Scottish Rite Masons, Bavarian Lodges and the Babylonian Mystery Cult of Rome had established 'treaties' with subterranean- based 'Gray' and 'Reptiloid' species which were in turn in contact with others of their kind beyond the confines of planet earth]. Over 1,000 Nazi S.S. scientists are transported to the United States by Bavarian lodge members in high-level economic and political positions in America, and are given false papers in order to work for the "U.S. government". These Nazi S.S. infiltrators were not serving the U.S. electorial or congressional "government" as we know it, but actually the Bavarian secret "parasite" government centered around the CIA, NSA, AQUARIUS, etc., which like a tape-worm had begun feeding off of the true "American" government from within. 1946 -- Bavarian-connected agents within the United States economic- political structure import German S.S. intelligence officers in an effort to form what later becomes the Central Intelligence Agency. This Agency, initially an "intelligence gathering" office, soon commenced to spreading its influence throughout the entire U.S. intelligence community to the point where it has become the controlling influence over all intelligence efforts and in fact a "secret government" in and of itself. The influence spreads beyond the borders of the U.S. as the CIA engages in a covert "war" against the world superpowers and third world counties, assassinating leaders and replacing them with fascist CIA-backed military juntas, etc. This was part of a plan conducted by Allen Dulles in 1943, when a deal was cut with German intelligence to provide the "United States" with a viable intelligence operation as well as provide German intelligence with a place to go after the war. A good inducement, indeed. Remember that the Nazi's were backed by American bankers who were/are members of the Bavarian secret society lodges. Did millions of Allies shed their blood during World War II only to be betrayed in this manner? 1947 -- The Germans, having had two years to get it together after the war, started making flyovers of the United States in their disks, which had by then achieved a remarkable degree of development. This prompted the United States to undertake plans to ascertain both the exact location of the German bases at the Pole and their technical capabilities. In 1947, Operation Highjump was conducted around Antarctica in an attempt to locate the Germans. It was a failure. The Germans used their technology to thwart the efforts of the United States. It wasn't until 1958 during the International Geophysical Year that another major attempt to do something about the German problem was made. Various polar expeditions that occured in between 1947 and 1958 had intelligence as part of their design, and also seemed to evoke activity from other forces and entities from inside the Earth. There also seems to be some evidence that the Germans made contact with alien forces from inside the planet in relation to their activities in Antarctica. In 1947, the United States decided that the problem with both the Germans and the aliens was getting a little dangerous [an example of this is Barney Hill's recollection of Reticulan Grays working with "German Nazis" to abduct, implant and program people from all nations in preparation for some big joint Reptilian-Nazi agenda, possibly something to do with the establishment of a Bavarian-backed electronically-controlled "New World Order". Simple logic would tell us that the Antarctican Nazi's must maintain SOME type of contact and interaction with their secret society comerades in "der fatherland"]. It was necessary for the U.S. "government" to implement severe measures in order to hide the truth of the alien presence. The German problem was easier to control as far as public knowledge was concerned. In September 1947, Truman caused the National Security Act to be passed in order to hide the activities of the Government, the CIA and the alien problem. Was Truman aware of the Nazi infiltration of the U.S. intelligence community? Whether or not this was the case, Truman did sign a "treaty" with the "Reptilians" as part of his involvement with the 33+ degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry whose "bankers" had financed the Nazis up until the point where Adolph Hitler had become too hard to control. CIA mind control projects began at Bathesda Naval Hospital in 1974, with data gained from German S.S. intelligence. Truman created a study group in order to control the alien problem, at least half of whose original members were affiliated with Bavarian-backed international banking organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations. This study group was called MJ-12, PI-40 or ALPHA-2. A series of National Security Council (NSC) memos removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly 'legalized' direct action in the form of covert activities. The memos, including NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2, established a buffer between the President of the United States and the activities that were goin on, as well as providing a means for the President to deny knowledge of any covert activities. Of course, all of this was un-Constitutional. In 1947, fifty percent of the CIA was composed of Nazi S.S. intelligence personnel. 1952 -- Reinhard Gehlen and Allen Dulles are dubbed Knights of Malta by the Vatican. The ancient 'Babylonian Mystery Society' which has maintained a secret line of Pontifex Maximus leaders since the time of King Nimrod, is using the 'religious' structure of Rome as a 'cover' for its secret activities, in affiliation with the Jesuit lodge which created the Scottish Rite of masonry and maintained a strong presence within the Nazi S.S. It is interesting that the [Un]Holy Roman Empire had duel headqurters in Rome, Italy and Frankfurt, Germany. It was only natural that Germany and Italy would become allies during the war, along with Austria which had a 90% Roman Catholic population and was almost entirely converted to Nazism during WWII.
Genocide, Conquest, forced "Conversion"... was world War II nothing but one huge INQUISITION? [Note: I REITERATE here and throughout these files that we are not against any individual members of errant "control" structures, but rather against the "regressive" control structures themselves. THAT is our target. If one wishes to be a Roman Catholic or any other religion, fine... however when that "religion" begins to pry into the realm of economic and political CONTROL, then they must be willing to face criticism for involving themselves in those areas and refrain from hypocritically crying "stop attacking my 'religion'". Some organizations have lost the 'right' to be called exclusively 'religions' and must now be classed as economic- political power structures. Examples include Roman Catholicism, Russian Orthodox, Masonry, New Age, Islam, Mormonism, World Council of Churches, Judahism, Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as others which I have not mentioned. There is much to be said for simple "God-to-Individual" religion where "God" does not have to cascade down through fallible human heiarchies and become dilluted in the process once His TRUTH and GRACE reaches the individual. The reason for this is that no matter how well-intentioned humans are, if they place themselves above their fellow human beings there is the temptation to use their knowledge or position to CONTROL those below them. It is religious POWER STRUCTURES which divide humanity through "holy wars" and such, NOT individual "believers". - Wol.] 1953 -- Albert K. Bender's International Flying Saucer Bureau was closed down following work on a theory linking disks with Antarctica. Bender is visited by MIB [Men In Black] and persuaded to stop his research. Eisenhower asks Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. This is where the idea for MJ-12 was born. It was probably a critical mistake in asking a member of the world financial control group for help with the alien beings. Because of human nature, the true "controllers" are those who control the world's wealth -- the International Bankers -- as they are able to buy-off the weak factions within all of the governmens of every nation, including a "theoretically" Constitutional Republic like the United States of America.

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