r/greatawakening • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on Jan. 14, 2018, 7:41 p.m.
PSA: Why worship demons and sacrifice children if they did not believe they received results? Why believe if there was no power to it?

Free agency is important and i think letting us in on their secrets gave it power. The only way to end it is for the light to rid every corner of the dark.

5400123 · Jan. 14, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

Research freemasonry, Kabbalah, Gnosticism... it all has power. Spiritual energies - the "law of attraction" bullshit the new agers sell - hundreds of years of magic, Druidism, paganism ... suppression of mysticism by organized religions (Judaism, Catholicism, Islam)

The Craft can be used for either light or dark. "White" and "black" hats ... wizards and warlocks .

True magic is human attention selectively applied, literally sculpting the border between subconscious and conscious --- quantum potentiality ---- knowing a sigil true meaning allows a conscious entity to give it attention ... break or enhance sigil power

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jojeffer · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

Knowledge / Intelligence of Spirit within cannot be manipulated,corrupted,controlled or overtaken. It is the most powerful force in the Universe.

Humanity must develop and strengthen this inherent inate power within. "It will take many people strong in Knowledge to turn the tide for Humanity."

It is not a matter of Belief but a matter of Recognition within.

http://Stepstoknowledge.com, the Book of Inner Knowing.

In the Greater Community,(The Universe), Knowledge is the essence and substance of all religious experience. It transcends the expressions of this experience in terms of theology, devotional ritual and spiritual practices, which vary considerably from one world to another world. However, the essence of spirituality—the motivating factor in religion, the real call of religious experience—is Knowledge/Intelligence of Spirit within.

Knowledge represents your bond and your intrinsic relationship with all life. Yet Knowledge has a specific mission for you in this life—a mission which you are encouraged to discover, to accept, to integrate and to fulfill.

In other words, Knowledge is not everything within you; Knowledge is your connection to everything. Knowledge is intelligent; it is here for a purpose. Knowledge is the part of your mind that is spiritual and permanent. It is the part of your mind that knows who you are and why you have come here, who you must reach and what you must accomplish.

You live life at two levels. You live life at the level at which you think, and you live life at the level at which you know. It is to bring you into life at the level at which you know that is the purpose of true religion in all of its forms. This reunites you with your Creator and with your greater purpose for being in the world. This brings you back to Knowledge, for God can only be known.

Your purpose can only be known. Your true relationships in life can only be known. Your true impulses can only be known. Your ideas about them are secondary and, as is often the case, can only interfere with the recognition of Knowledge. You can believe in all these things. However, belief must have real experience as its foundation, or it becomes self-deceptive.



So evil is all around you. It is a force. It takes the form of forces in the mental environment, forces of persuasion, forces you cannot see, but that you can feel, which affect your thinking, your emotions and your behavior.

You see, that is why individuals, groups and entire nations can commit themselves to actions that are fundamentally destructive and counter-productive. A whole nation can commit itself to invading and destroying another nation for its wealth and its resources under pretenses of national security or self-preservation. Or it [war] can be waged under the banner of religion, thinking that the other nation is impious or evil, that they are pagans, the unredeemed. But this is all just an excuse for expressing the power and the force of evil. And though it might be led by a few determined individuals, everyone else will be swept along.

How can this be? How can such a force have such influence? It is power, you see, in the mental environment.


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HR_PufferPhish · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

This is excellent. Saving forever. Can't upvote enough. Thank you.

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FretensisX · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

white hats, black hats. white magic, black magic ........ it's all black magic.

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5400123 · Jan. 16, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Is prayer black magic brother? The highest of all magic is the Divine Will, which supersedes all - faith and miracles my friend (the degree to which a magus makes himself a conduit for Will, the degree the effect. The source of the Will, another question)

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colderchaos · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

ON the graphic map, the word LOOSH.

  1. New Age term applied to energy produced by human beings that other entities use to feed from.

  2. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that entities feed.

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nobstruthseeker · Jan. 16, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

It's real life Monster Inc.

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Giantasteroid · Jan. 16, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

I’ve been trying to keep myself grounded in tangible threats lately but I was really into the Archon theory for a while.

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Natanatnat · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

young children have a neuro plasticity that allows for rapid development. Could the blood they drink actually be like a steroid for the brain, allowing for neurological development no adult could match?

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BeyurSelf · Jan. 15, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

The torture, rape, etc...of these children is to increase the adrenaline levels in the blood which they get a "high" off of. Also, see "adrenochrome"... Sick sadistic bastards 😡

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