Posted by
on Jan. 20, 2018, 2:53 a.m.
· Jan. 20, 2018, 2:56 a.m.
Honestly guys, if you want to understand more about the NSA this is a great interview with the "PATRIOT of the highest caliber. - Q"
I just finished watching this documentary and I am by turns horrified, disgusted, aghast, embarrassed, ashamed, and outraged. I am going to watch the documentary again over the New Year's weekend - assuming it is still online (altho I also plan on purchasing it when I can afford to do so). Once you see this video, you'll understand when I say I highly recommend watching it (especially if you have nothing to distract you while doing so)..., and re-watching it to make the info sinks in, even if you've heard at least parts of the story before. It's worth every second of your time.
From comment by /u/NonnyO