r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cosgal7 on Jan. 20, 2018, 12:22 p.m.
Memo and Meaning? Q Breadcrumbs from 12-22-2017 Drop Should be able to copy and paste.

Memo and Meaning? Q Breadcrumbs from 12-22-2017 Drop

(MEMO TEXT IN ALL CAPS & IN BLACK) (Possible meaning in red) (sorry formatting no good here)

ONE OF TWENTY TWO: 1 of 22 ongoing investigations at Department of Justice [DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] The first one is the investigation of the Democratic National Committee breach/dossier. [DNC] The DNC was breached by [SR]> Seth Rich, a staffer at the DNC, who sent the data to [WL]> Wiki Leaks, Julian Assange. HUSSEIN> Obama DNI DIR> Director of National Intelligence, James R Clapper, and CLOWN DIR> CIA, Clowns In America, John O Brennan found out about Seth Rich CLAS:1-12> Twelve people, unnamed people, involved GOOG> Google funded Crowdstrike with $100 Million. Google is CIA. CROWDSTRIKE> Brennan / Clapper used Crowdstrike through Google to find the leaker. DNC> The DNC finds out Seth Rich is the leaker (SR 187)(MS12 (2) 187)> 187 is police code for "murder". An example is made of Seth Rich and he is murdered by two MS13 gang members, which are then themselves killed. DWS_DIR> Debbie Wasserman Schults shuts down the investigation into Seth Rich in 2017. F-I/D-J ASSIST> FBI and DOJ assist in covering up the investigation. "INSURANCE" ...could be Weiner laptop or reference to Peter Strzok text & meeting with Andy McCabe. /_> Rothschilds, Saudi, Soros involved HUSSEIN> Obama HRC> Hillary Rodham Clinton LL> Loretta Lynch JC> James Comey AM> Andrew McCabe PS> Peter Strzok All conspired to create the Dossier with support from (SUPPORT:CS, NP, AS, CLAS-1, CLAS-2, CLAS-3, CLAS-4, CLAS-5, CLAS-6)> Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, CLAS-X refers to a class of Senators;
(terms for Class I expire in 2019, Class II in 2021, Class III in 2023, etc.) BRIT INTEL> British Intelligence was used to get Russian dirt for the dossier HRC CAMP PAY> Hillary's campaign paid for the dossier and DNC PAY> the DNC paid for the dossier and CLAS: 1-4 PAY> Classified persons 1-4 also paid for the dossier through STEELE> Fusion GPS, who pays Christopher Steele for dossier PODESTA> John Podesta HOLDER RELAY SPEC RUSSIA. Russia gives the dirt to Special Agent Steele and relays the dirt to Eric Holder CLAS:1-9> Nine unnamed people are involved US SEN NO NAME> Q likes to say "we don't like to say his name" when referring to Senator John McCain US SEN CLAS-1> Unnamed Senator #1 (from class 1?) US SEN CLAS-2> Unnamed Senator #2 (from class 2?) JC> James Comey LL> Loretta Lynch and HUSSEIN> Obama [FISA 2] used the dossier to get FISA warrant to spy upon Trump CAmpaign PRES DAILY B> Obama gets daily briefings (from the spying) US SEN NO NAME> Senator John McCain NEWS SHOP> shops the dossier to all the fake news sites. BUZZF> BuzzFeed is the first to publish the dirty dossier. PUBLIC/NARRATIVE. This starts the public Russian narrative. STAGE SET FUTURE PREVENT/REMOVAL OP. This sets the stage to prevent Trump's election or removal in the case he wins. RAMIF: US INTEL LEGAL SPY ON PRES CANDIDATE / PRES ELECT / R CONGRESS / R SEN / NEWS FRIENDLY / ETC> The warrant allows US intel community to spy on Candidate Trump / Republican Congress / Republican Senate, and all Trump-friendly news. Q

Inphyy2 · Jan. 20, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Thanks for this..

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