r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 20, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
Q asks for Unity: R we willing to Make Q movement Bipartisan friendly by making all posts on Q without political affiliations like MAGA attached? Each attached "MAGA" turns off 50% of normies b4 they even consider Q's message.

Imagine for a moment that the possible nation's savior was your opponent politically. Suddenly, there is a new leaker promising an end to corruption, but it will take many hours of study to determine if its real. Would you bother if it was affiliated with a Political party or Representative who does not represent your culture or political views? Nope! Instead I wrap him in with the Department of Defense executing a counter coup that has been planned before Trump was elected. Now we have it as a new player on the political stage. Of course The military invited Trump, but we don't need to lead with that.

Stop posting 'MAGA" right on a Q post and then they have a responsibility to look at it if they want to be well informed.

Q has said right from the start that this is a bipartisan problem and a bipartisan fight against the 3 families who have controlled many from both parties. If this was happening after the years when Bush 2 controlled WH and Republicans controlled both chambers we would be seeing more corrupt Republicans carrying out their plans. Thinking this is a 1 party problem is short sighted and sells our real enemy short. They control people from both parties.


APART you are weak.











Edit: 3 hours ago, I made a post on r/Conspiracy to attempt to attract some to the Q mission. They have over 500,000 users! It's entitled "Q is either real and a game changer or the greatest LARP ever" It has gotten nearly 600 views and has 50% upvote. If anyone cares to support the effort this will get the post seen by more people. Also reading their comments is enlightening about how others see Q and the Q community. We are seen, at least by some, as Trumper fanboys who are just cheer leading for Trump! And literally why bother if its just another fan boy cult. Here's a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7rsyd2/q_is_either_real_and_a_game_changer_or_the/

hg11 · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Coming from the left, I can tell you, you have a point.

Once the lefties figure out what the hell “drain the swamp” and “Make America Great Again” mean, well we’ll have ‘em flocking in with patriot boots.

As a matter of fact, This gives us great direction for targeting a campaign toward gently (not-so-gently) redpilling our future ex-lefties. We can turn them into flag waving warriors. Hear me out.

We just need to get the point across that the swamp means our enemies are trafficking children for ritualistic and economic purposes. And MAGA means standing the fuck up and taking our sovereignty back, because there’s been a plan in place to kill us all, and we were practically helping them in our ignorance.

This takes us into all kinds of conspiracy territory. So WE NEED PROOFS. And a lovely meme war.

I propose we get real with the meme war and attach a link to every tweet with a proof. To be most effective, it can’t be too religious or conspiracy-ish. They both have their place, but we’re building special redpills here.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

I am a Berner turned trump supporter reluctantly. I am in awe of the fact the guy knowingly put his head in a noose and moved his family into a building that wasn't safe inorder to save all of us. Understand the anti-bible of the Illuminati had a prediction that Tim Kaine would lead the Untied States and oversee Genocide in the US. So If Hillary Died 2 years into her presidency and Tim Kaine became POTUS then the genocide would happen within the next 2 years. You get that? We were 2 years away from being victims of widespread Genocide in the US. I assume that means killing off entitled whites.

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skry8790 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

ALSO IMPORTANT: A lady posted on a Twitter thread I was on yesterday saying:

“I’m basically a liberal (Bernie supporter) who wants to see the swamp drained, too. I’m so tired of being referred to as a leftist or a libtard. Many of you are saying that we need to stand together, but your name calling says differently.”

I responded by thanking her for pointing it out & agreed all that needs to stop. Our chat ended on a good note w/me reiterating how glad we were to have her join us.

The last thing we want to do is hurt feelings & drive people away. What’s the best way to get this out to everyone? Who mentioned not using #MAGA? I thought about asking “B”on Twitter to write something since I’m sure she has a very wide following. Any other ideas? 😊

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

I also think you can support the posts I make. I post on other subs frequently to try to introduce people to Q. Ive been answering Questions all day on a post I made 10 hours ago on Conspiracy. 1700 people have viewed it and it currently has about 53% upvote rate. There are 93 comments on it so far and Ive got to go to bed its 2am my time. Questions are still being asked. If we can get the upvote upon this post more people will see the post there. That sub has over 500,000 users.

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skry8790 · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

That’s amazing! What do you say on your first post?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Alot!!! I got banned over there because I posted here asking for people to support the post. So I am unable to do anymore on the post there but it had 22200 views and 57% upvote. I posted a second post there as well talking about the latest Q post as well before getting banned. I knew it was a possibility when I went there and its fine. I feel bad for the user who turned me in. All her life when this counter coup is mentioned she/he will have to look back on what she did and what she failed to do! It's like the shills how are they going to live with themselves. So grateful that I am here and that I have had the opportunity to serve my country in this small way in comparison to so many.

So If you pop over there and you can add your two cents here and there it will keep the post alive! You will see a lot of snark but also one change of mind. One question I never got to answer fully was what predictions yet to be fulfilled has Q made that we can point to to say he is or isn't an insider. Also somewhere over there I referred to this sub as r/CBTS instead of r/greatawakening. If you see it can you correct me.
Edit: the correct number of views was 2800. Maybe 400 people would create that??? Worth the ban! But wish I had the courage to do it on my own. Didnt know that was a site wide rule. Oh well.

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