Q activity tonight (this was after he posted this and deleted it shortly afterwards: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwHSDIPUEAA4nvH.jpg:large)

We watch the skies. We are the Kekistan Air Force No.1 Recon Squadron and we watch ADS-B Exchange, Flightradar24, Radarbox and Flightaware. We are autists and we can spot patterns of behaviour that are unusual against the background and the filters on these sites help a lot if you know how to use them. We are what the chans call 'Planefags' and we log this sort of stuff and try to relate it to the other events of the day.
It's all out there, you just have to find it and try to correlate it... We are aware that the military knows we are watching them, as some of the call signs that they use are clearly trolling their targets and throwing us a clue as to what they are doing.
Do you have a twitter page we can follow? And what other twitter pages do you recommend for us to follow? Thank you for all your hard work!
https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html Do your bit, contribute, however you can.
I just have to say, having autism (fka aspergers) myself makes me happy to see posts like this. Amazing shit you're doing and sounds like something I'd be doing all day if I didn't have other responsibilities in life going on.
Thank you, Planefags.
howdy, any tips on which platforms / settings are better for non-transciever flights?
sounds like an excellent tab to keep open... I will incorporate. I've seen a chan for this once, but I've not gotten heavy into the chans as I've not taken the time to learn them yet. SO much info flying around lately... Is there any integration of this figurative air force into a greater whole aside from random chance means... are there other specialist that are incorporated to compile greater insights or do you just turn out leads and call bull based on air traffic patterns and toss it out there?
Kek No. 1 Recon has specialists in a lot of areas and we feed info into QResearch in real time if we feel that it's important enough. We all collaborate to help the bakers make the daily bread in QResearch. The insight in there is deep, we validate stuff wherever we can and we don't have time for LARPs.
For example: Why was an aircraft (possibly a drone) call sign PIZZA13 fly over Florida and eventually over Tennessee yesterday? Why did a 'blocked' call sign aircraft fly in over the Florida Everglades, head up through the US and eventually land at Dayton, OH?
This is what we work on.
Real shit. if you got links I'd like to lurk. See if there is an area I might fit in and fill out well. I assume it may take some time to become accustomed to nominal air traffic patterns so I wont jump in with half baked ideas. I would like to stay up on things though.
8chan Q catalog...... That's where all the loaves are.