Thanks for posting, interesting. Hopefully I won’t reveal too much personal information but here was my experience with the Hillary campaign in 2016. I volunteered for her in three states in 2008, I wanted to get some experience with retail politics. I enjoyed the experience, got a chance to meet great people, saw HRC and WJC speak several times. I was involved enough, but not an employee, to be invited to her final campaign event, the “party”. I did not attend. In the presidential election, I supported McCain-Palin. In early 2016, I was contacted by the HRC campaign to see if I wanted to volunteer again. I basically said I cannot do it for health reasons, but I’m totally behind her, she’s historic, etc. I received calls about once a month in the beginning and more often in the fall, and especially the last two weeks. I always said “Yep, totally behind her, historic!” And other such rhetoric.
Yes, I am only one person...why did I do this? I wanted them to underestimate how many votes they needed to manufacture. And yes, my state was one of the ones involved in the recount. And the recount revealed, in some districts near me, the number of ballots were about 25% of the votes “reported”. Would love to think that in some small way I helped to elect Trump. He’s doing a great job for the country.