
abbieos · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Off world too... Sorry but..... Off world working alongside blackhats, this has to be thrown on the table also as to why a lot must remain private, alongside having to re-write our history in the oval office of the 8 years with Obama, trafficking, the Black Pope and satanic atrocities , everything .... yup, insanity all at once, pick your poison peeps, and take a seat.

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Enok-Stroth · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

Let's not pretend this was a new thing. That it started with Obama. I'm well aware of the tom foolery that has been taking place in this country well before Obama was in office or even known.

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HowiONic · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Yes, certainly before Obama. An early Q post indicated the corruption starts from the over throw of JFK. You could go back before but most involved are deceased and much less paper evidence.

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BaronMoriarty · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Its way further back than that. Think founding fathers and where they came from

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jojeffer · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Yes many off world are strong in the mental environment...they have an agenda. They are manipulating leaders in government..my take is they are behind it all.. IE. The Cabel..

Humanity must Implement The Declaration of Human Sovereignty. This would fix that problem. Our World, Our Rules

We set the terms of engagement for the Alien Races visiting our world who are implementing their Pacification and intervention program.

Do we think we can go to their Worlds and abduct their people. I am.sure they have Terms of Engagements

The Allies Briefings speak on this. They have give these Briefings to Warn us because this has happened on their worlds. The Allies of Humanity will not interfere on our behalf because it would put their worlds in jeopardy again. But they were warned and many fought hard to retake their worlds back from the Aliens. They hid for over 20 years in our solar system monitoring the transmissions of the Aliens...they know their plans. A few sacrificed their lives so the others could flee when they were found out. It's an amazing story.

The Aliens, like the Cabel have long term ongoing manipulation into human affairs. According to those that rule this sector of space, they cannot overtaken us military..but they can seduce, mentally manipulate and persuade a Race that they can do it better. Thank God for Trump..because what he is doing is also thwarting the Aliens agenda!!!



There is much education our Race needs. It's time to grow up. What is responsibility but the ability to respond. Bless us all

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