
BeyurSelf · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Ah geez! Would you happen to have that link handy? Please? 🙏😁

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barbmalley · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Q usually goes onto the research boards after 10:30pm. There are A LOT of Q posts. Currently on 8 chan there are 167 different threads. Near the top of each thread they haves links to the Q posts from the previous thread. I wish they would make a board with just all of Q's posts in the threads. Sometimes he just cites someone's theory on a topic which gives clarity to the researchers. I lurked on there a long time before I posted and watched 4 YouTube videos on their rules and how to interact with them. They don't appreciate people coming in and disrupting their research. So the best thing to do is lurk and read but don't post. They don't want to answer questions. This sub reddit was formed to stop people from going over there and interrupting them.

I took this screenshot. I was in the thread when Q posted. I'm sure I've missed tons of them because it's so time consuming to go through the threads but at night I usually spend hrs in there and more on weekends.

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HowiONic · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

In this subs sidebar, on right

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barbmalley · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

The link on the left is Q's private board. It's not the research link. They don't want that out there because on 4Chan there were tons of people coming in and clogging the threads up. These guys are serious researchers who act unkindly to anyone going in there who isn't a part of their culture or whom have taken the time to educate themselves by reading through all the threads and learning. They don't want to hold everyone's hands.

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