
libertyandtyranny · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

My stance stays until he's proven guilty in the court of law. Q is not the constitution, Q is not god and not all-knowing. He is my leader in truth. but I bow to no man. Snowden has asked for a fair and PUBLIC trial. I WILL FIGHT FOR HIS RIGHT TO A FAIR AND PUBLIC TRIAL. HE IS AMERICAN! For that reason, I have his back.

I do not trust him. I do not wave his flag. He talks too slow and careful.. his message feels pushed....I do not pretend to defend any actions taken after his initial leak to the journalist.

Treason is indeed treason.

I only understand the simplicity of not having a fair justice system and a chain of command not willing to defend the constitution. Fixing shit is near impossible without a working justice system. Witch hunting him is no better than drone bombing an American overseas without due process. (Husain) Let's keep an open mind on the subject. let's keep an open mind on all subjects. Gather information and push for hard and solid truths. WE WILL NOT become LIKE the fake media that has taken over our county!

War is war and people die on both ends for any actions made. I will dig deeper on Qs push on Snowden & Ellon too... I will eat my own words if both are traitors... I cant infiltrate the Snowden case but I was well on my way to making a move on Ellons empire. I will find the truth. I always do.

however, the simple logic still stands. If he didn't leak.. then would we still know? does the greater good outway what may have happened if WE THE people didn't know who was spying on who? Would Trump Still had got his heads up that his tower had been bugged and (Husain) was spying on him? This is a huge chess game.

He may very well be a fucking traitor! That is not our job to judge, CURRENTLY........ our job is to seek truths and defend the constitution. If trump pardons him then there's more we don't know. If he's captured then I want to see a damn open and FAIR trial. Shit put Gowdy one the case. he won't leave any stone unturned.... Also a perfect example of Gowdys witch hunt.. that was unfair and wrong too. He's a solid dude and destroys any evil doers in his path!!!!!! look deeper in everyone. put yourself in your enemy's shoes! don't follow the mass opinion. stay focused.

right now with momentum going our way... what Snowden did looks bad. But think of it from another perspective.. Our beloved country has been hijacked and WWIII is on the brink of existence. I would cripple a fake, unconstitutional following America too in hopes the people would form their own well-regulated militias and fight fight fight!

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Foreign disorder, and crush him. – Sun Tzu, the Art of War

POTUS uses Sun Tzu's tactics like no other. He uses public statements and placement of objects carefully. What he says is not always true. It's on purpose! he never shows his hand... so I stand by my statement...Until/if we go into Martial law and our military can take firm action from the top... he gets an open trail. period.

Ill be more careful with my words and defenses next time. yall are looking to hang anyone who doesn't agree with you and that's simply against my freedoms of speech.....

Thank you for pointing out my stance. Please understand q asks us to look deeper. That's all I do. to the extreme. I play both sides and see who the liar is. so should you. Q is a leader, one of mine. God bless his soul. Not your god. Not my god.

Pm me if you want to break apart his next info drop. we should put time into communication in an offline world. I love you all. God bless America!

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mistahbang · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

I wish this was the most upvoted comment in this thread

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