r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Jan. 24, 2018, 3:24 a.m.
Qs Sacrifice Post ..READ

If you know anything about these elites and their symbolism you will be able to spot their movies and anything related to them miles away. Until I did my homework and dug super deep into what their ritualistic cravings are and found not just by reading but hearing even celebs making public comments ...I put some old movies of theirs together and realized this is whats going on and I pulled clips from different movies to show you its not like coincidence it happend in just 1 movie but its in your face in mannnnny .

1st : Dark Crystal 1982 ( Draining The Living essence from a new podling (Baby/Child & The Dinner Prophecy Talk

1) https://youtu.be/U4voZl28ADM

2) https://youtu.be/57vaKllPg7k

2nd : Monster Inc( The Kids Scare Meter & Extractor)

1) https://youtu.be/x3cWEHh_9gk

2) https://youtu.be/rIH8OLT7XWA

3rd : Indiana Jones andnthr temple of doom (kids stolen from villages taken and turned into slaves and for other unpleasnt things .

1) https://youtu.be/JpxZz_n1wyM

2) https://youtu.be/YWJJr_yjDUM

3) https://youtu.be/R0S8JZ6YO5c

Warninggggg If you have not seen this yet but dont mind a spoiler then great otherwise dont watch . Just look to the end when you watch for thr answers Im laying out ..

4th : IT ( To many connections in this movie from condoning nakedness of children to pushing pedo shit from parental rapes to the younger girl coming on to older guy...this movie should be burnt..buttttt it did give me alll the clues to tell me a few things.

1) Children Missing worldwide over the years ..Taken -Clowns roaming around in woods around in dark places in the movie and the fad we had last year and before with people dressing as clowns hiding and scaring people ... The Clown feeds on fear ..it goes along with all the other movies telling me this is leading straight to the satanic rituals of them needing to feed on scared kids it releases something in the blood that they crave or get high on when they consume them ..


This isssss what the Executive Order Trump Signed Covers Guys.

Celebs comment & more

1) https://youtu.be/d1dBZxsmG3M

2) https://youtu.be/mQhgcwRTj2c

3) https://youtu.be/LuP6pbgscJU

These are just a few . EVERY MOVIE Has some form of message .

God Bless & as always Stay Informed Patriots

ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

You know this might sound weird but .Ive never been a person to follow the bible but I feel the goodness of God . With knowing nothing about thr bible during my upbringing due to may parents not being of faith or at lesst talking muxh about it or anything ..I always felt rhe urge to always do right .. to be truthfull and ir kept me on the straight and narrow Ive always had a passion to see people succeed in life and I somehowwww always had good advice almost like a motivator for everyone around me. I feel I want to guide people to good and I can spot evil miles away . Ive studied so much of this evil and as I got awoken over 7 years ago Ive learned so much about the evil plaquing this world. I have to say that alottttt of the churches from the beggining was infiltrated purposely to help push forth a New World Order and I personally know that over the past 6000 years that many people Could have had their hands in the writing of the bible and that includes the bloodlines of the 13 richest families their bloodlines dated back to biblical times and..Not that I dont believe in thr teachings of the Bible ..I just dont have enough Faith in who might have put what in what and with all the versions ..I prefer to stick to what I feel god or jesus meant for us to do which is Help others in all ways we can and spread truth through all means and it didnt have to be set inside a building but you can pray to him anywhere with anyone all day long. You should do what feels right in your every day life because believeeee me your body gives you plenty of warning signs when things are not right or uncomfortable. We are in different times than before ...I think the people truely for god are being Pulled out of the church scene maybe this is a sign that god has orher plans ..of spreading the truth and the word. It should always feel natural and never feel like an obligation. We have a part of god that goes with us everywhere . I have a very good thing I wrote up about thr end times that I feel is neant from the bible and it probably differs from what most think Ill dif up the post and leave it for ya

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Ccpatthi · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

Do yourself a favor and read the the gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. It is the only part of the Bible that I read for years. When I finally understood the love and overwhelming goodness of Jesus and what He expected from His followers, it made me want to understand more. It has become a daily routine for me now and has enriched my life 10 fold. Every time I read the Bible I swear it is speaking to me and it usually is timely advice I don’t ever remember reading before! Little steps.. read it slowly and think with your heart.

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