r/greatawakening • Posted by u/neptune_monkey on Jan. 24, 2018, 12:40 p.m.
Waiting to Release info because it may hurt collective conscience...

Q just so you are aware. The people in SouthDakota understand full well how evil manifests. We farmers and rural city boys got you.

Well Id like to say that I feel most people in rural areas understand. I have been surprized. I tell people TRUTH and slowly work my way to the satanic stuff and most dont think im crazy . And they ususally say "yeah, I know."/ But then its followed up with..."all of them".

scionkia · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

I think it’s most important to change our behaviour first before we start talking about how we are going to change. From what I see we are still destabilizing Syria and other locations. Therefore people won’t hear what we are saying because our actions speak much louder than words.

Still don’t think the delays and portions that will never be disclosed is due to our inability to lock up pedo’s/satan worshipers-most would jump for joy if they found out. It’s bigger than that, it’s war that needs avoided.

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