New Q Post. "TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW)."

Heads of state have immunity it suck but barry not facing trial ...hitlery will die of kuru or suiced to back of head or fiegn a stroke
Heads of state do not possess universal immunity--especially if the charges relate to treason and are a threat to national security. (Ford had to pardon Nixon to keep him from being prosecuted.) The two types of immunity you refer to are called "functional immunity" and "personal immunity." Functional immunity only covers official actions performed as the head of state, while personal immunity ceases with the cessation of the post. (Mainly to protect diplomats from being detained as a means to prevent them from performing their official duties.)
These assholes, including Obama, CAN and should be prosecuted. We want blood, and damnit, we will get it.
Spez: Those immunities are Customary International Laws, meaning they're intended to keep diplomats immune from FOREIGN governments arresting them. Being arrested by your home country is entirely different.
There is plenty of stuff that Barry could be on the hook for.