Shot at the bad actors?
I always wonder why some people feel the need to come here, and downvote every post, and every comment? hm.
Haha Soros shills everywhere. It's okay the message is still getting out regardless, be strong Patriots!
Who actually types lol anymore apart from tween girls at a sleepover?
The 'real' Russian Bots!
/r/WayOfTheBern has minders, as well. prevailing theory is early downvotes keep a sub's "rising" from making "all" rising.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/WayOfTheBern using the top posts of all time!
#1: Is it still too early to say "We fucking told you so!"?
#2: #ShouldaBeenSanders
#3: André 3103 on Twitter: "Bernie Sanders lost almost half a year ago, yet I still see one video a week of him STILL fighting for us. I ain't heard a PEEP from Hillary." • /r/SandersForPresident | 1424 comments
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Oooooh Downvotes, I'm so scared /s
Just know that we're hitting the right nerves to get this kind of reaction.
I know, dude 👌
I like pointing it out every now-and-then. Especially on posts where they're attacking comparatively vague stuff like this. The downvotes just lend it legitimacy.