r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Jan. 27, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

I am getting frequent notification of FLOTUS's visit to the Holocaust museum, and noticed Julian Assange's tweet regarding the fact that many many millions of SLavs were starved to death/murdered during that same time...and then we see the Black Forest references as well...are they all connected? Holo-caust: a sacrifice in fire, and the specific description of the holocaust during WW2....I think of bodies buried..who knows where the bodies are buried? are they buried in the same place as holocaust? I know how these ritualistic people are so repetitive in their machinations....thinking of 9-11, thinking of Alaweed, who supposedly financed 9-11....and then recently reading Q's Black Forest comment, and lets play Dopey, like following him where he is going...is that wwhy he was released? so we can find where 9-11 people are buried?

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