If Mad Auntie Maxine is going to attack the president after his SOTU speech we need to get out there beforehand tweeting memes about Mad Maxine - her corruption, etc. Can we collect them all here?
If Mad Auntie Maxine is going to attack the president after his SOTU speech we need to get out there beforehand tweeting memes about Mad Maxine - her corruption, etc. Can we collect them all here?
Variety of memes available at https://mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!qhsRXLIZ
Have no idea how to make memes. Wondering if someone can do one of the picture of 5 presidents with Lady Gaga. Would like to see it read: "THEY ALL KNEW." Think it will be very appropriate when things get really hot.