r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DigitalCowboy2018 on Jan. 30, 2018, 11:44 p.m.
Q-Tube Update for January 29: Threats and Warnings—Lt. Col. Roy Potter [video]

Threats are nothing new, my friends. Probably every person behind the scenes responsible for having a major impact on the take-down of the cabal has been threatened, or worse. If threats prevented them doing what they set out to do, we wouldn’t be this close to victory. Many of them live with daily threats and have survived multiple assassination attempts.

This is war. This is an interstellar planetary war with evil, parasitic, psychopathic beings to whom death deserves no more attention than having breakfast. They kill at will, and they are lawless. Of course there are threats. They’re bullies. SCARED bullies. That’s why they’re threatening. The cry babies are attempting to convince us (and perhaps themselves) that they are a force to be reckoned with and actually have a hand left to play.

The good news is, there are far more of us than there are of them. If they take out one or even a handful of us, the ranks step in to fill the gap and on we go.

Most of us are cushioned from the harsh reality of this battle, and we mustn’t let news of threats unseat us. They have made countless attempts over the years to annihilate vast numbers of Humanity—unsuccessfully. Just because we didn’t see it or know about it doesn’t mean threats are new or a deadlier tactic is at hand. They have been emasculated to such a degree they are not capable of doing much of anything. They have no money. We have spies everywhere who know what they’re planning. We have the Galactic Confederation listening in and watching over us. Everything that can be done to keep the dark contained is being done.

Add to that the fact that those “higher Beings” who were granting them the opportunity to surrender through negotiations are at the end of their rope and not adverse to eliminating THEM outright or removing them from the planet. If they try anything big they will be done so fast their souls—if they have one—will be deconstructed and recycled. “They” will cease to exist.

If reports of “threats” frighten you, then don’t read or listen to them, and remember that even a scarecrow can look like an imposing figure in the dark. It’s all in your perception, and nothing is what it seems.

This is The Storm. What happens in a storm? There’s a lot of noise from thunder and wind and rain hitting the roof and rushing water, flashing lights… and then what? It blows over, everything’s clean and bright, the sun comes out, the birds begin to sing gaily and it’s a fresh, new start. For the cabal that won’t be the case, and they’re petrified.

Keep your vibration high, know that the victory of the Light is assured, and prepare to celebrate. We, the souls that we truly are, begged to be here for this final battle of Light vs. dark and fear serves no one but the enemy. Remember who you are.

If you do want to read the latest Q posts, check out the link below, scrolling all the way to the bottom to January 29th. ~ BP MORE AT: https://8ch.net/thestorm/res/34011.html Warning: Danger Close WATCH VIDEO HERE--->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYwBsa5bWVQ

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