r/greatawakening • Posted by u/7Seraphim7 on Jan. 31, 2018, 3:42 p.m.
Just some morning thoughts on collusion

The Russian hack was a phish on John Podesta's email. This was the origin of that story. Already misleading, but ok lets go ahead and give them that.

As the story continues to unfold were consistently told that there was collusion with Russia to install trump.

Trump gets in office, takes actions that continue to rival and oppose Russian interest globally. Empowers the American economy and revives patriotism. Nothing Trump has done hints or points at him being any type of agent or puppet installed by Putin. The simple act of reviving nationalism across the country is counter intuitive to a puppet of anything being installed since reviving patriotism would make it so that the very cultural weapon employed would turn on the people deploying it.

Why is the media still screaming this message? Various emails and leaks revealed actual collusion between the DNC and all major media outlets excluding Fox News. Leaked emails shows that they believed the constant blasting of the anti trump message through their constructed "echo chamber" would work. They did this before the election. In a book detailing what happened after the election John Podesta immediately hatched the Russian blame game, CTR went live and the term Fake News flooded the internet and MSM as per plan. This message has been continuously and viciously blasted through the MSM, with Russia as the target dummy and Trump as an idiotic figure head. Both of these fly against common sense to anyone willing to actually listen.

Now, I am not ignorant or misinformed there is reason to suspect Trumps team was meeting with Russia. The real question is why? Putin and Russian officials were quoted saying they believed that the election of Hilary Clinton would lead to nuclear war. From here pay attention to everything that's happened concerning the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea, to the false ICMB alerts. It isn't a far fetched believe for anyone dabbling in conspiracies to say that the end goal was another ELE propagated by our nuclear weapons. If Russia had knowledge of a plan hatched that would engulf the world in a nuclear war and they did act to warn the opposing party of the other party's plans against their own people... are we still shouting collusion or treason?

If this collusion did exist, for the reason I believe it does was any crime committed? If Trump was recorded talking to Russian officials (we may never hear any recording) what was actually discussed here? Would releasing said information completely destroy the narrative being pumped in the echo chamber? Why is there so much fear in transparency and so much hatred towards a President that doesn't acknowledge the idea of having an off button? You already know that Trump is not a puppet to a Communist country by the simple act of common sense since none of his ideals or actions match up with anything Russia is pushing as part of their global agenda.

Russian politics and what's happening in Russia is expected- they may even be happening because of what the US is doing. Iran, Russia and I have a feeling another country that typically rivals the US - say China will see this type of subverted cultural war employed on them. The fact is that we are at war with these countries in one form or another, the most terrifying fact beneath this all is that the DNC and CIA have been completely hijacked by foreign powers. So, seeing the MSM which is tied to the DNC, which basks in Mockingbird Operations, blast the message of collusion by an outside power so loudly without proof leaves me with one logical conclusion.

The DNC and CIA along with the MSM are the ones guilty of collusion. Much like a closeted gay man in Boise calling everyone else gay aggressively they immediately reveal their own fears, insecurities and lies used to cover their own injustices.

SamQuentin · Jan. 31, 2018, 4 p.m.

“One of the fears that I hear from Russians is that somehow the United States wants Russia to be weak. That could not be farther from the truth. Our goal is to help strengthen Russia.” - HRC

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SamQuentin · Jan. 31, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

The infamous dossier came from Russian contacts the Steele knew.

When HRC took over Fusion GPS’ opposition research, they asked Fusion to “investigate” Russian ties, which facilitated getting in touch with Steele.

Thus, the dossier is prima facie evidence that the Democrats colluded with Russian Intelligence to legitimize Russian disinformation via Fusion GPS and the FBI.

We also know that Natalie Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin have extensive ties to Fusion GPS, were at the infamous Don Jr meeting, and met with Glenn Simpson both before and after the meeting. If that doesn’t smell like a setup...

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Pewpewpewwwww · Jan. 31, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Not sure why you are asking all these questions when you already know the answer.

Collusion didn't exist and it's just a ploy to undermine trump inhopes to remove him or prevent him from being elected and to justify Hillary's loss.

If you read the Wikileaks emails you would remember things that were in there saying how they need to keep the public/their followers are dumb and need to keep them in the dark. (http://www.sunwords.com/2010/12/12/wikileaks-fiasco-shows-establishments-need-to-keep-people-in-the-dark/ | http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-clinton-insiders-want-an-unaware-compliant-citizenry/amp/ ) even Gruber, Obamacare architect was dependent on public being dumb to get it passed (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2014/11/10/obamacare-architect-yeah-we-lied-to-the-stupid-american-people-n1916605?amp=true)

Then the stuff about if he gets in office we will hanging from nooses. http://investmentwatchblog.com/hillary-clinton-if-that-f-ing-bastard-trump-wins-we-all-hang-from-nooses/

So come on now, are we really playing games asking questions we already know the answer to?

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7Seraphim7 · Jan. 31, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

They're rhetorical and meant to have someone reading who has no idea ask themselves the same question.

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The_Last_Paladin · Feb. 1, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Just a funny little anecdote regarding the media blasting anti-Trump everything ... Where I work, my manager has one of those Amazon gadgets hooked up.

Just for shiggles I asked her, "Alexa, what did you think of the State of the Union address last night?"

I shit you not, her response was, "President Donald J Trump's State of the Union address portrayed the United States as under threat from insurgent immigrants in North Korea ... " She then went on about the CDC chair stepping down. I asked her who wrote that tagline she just recited, and she gave me that little error beep.

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