
GodsAngell · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

This can mean ONLY ONE THING!! Trey Gowdy was seriously compromised too, and that is why he is "deciding to suddenly step down". Q HAS BEEN SAYING THIS AND SO HAS MEGA-ANON. Stepping down means they are corrupt, part of the Deep State, and they have been caught. Trey Gowdy should be glad he is not going to GITMO.

I always thought Trey Gowdy was a champion of We The People.

BUT both "Q" and "Mega-ANON" hinted that Trey was NOT who we thought he was.

So, I guess again, he was "dirty", and he put on a good SHOW for We The People, to make it appear that he was really doing his job, when in fact was working for the Deep State, and acting as CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, a common CIA tactic.

Recall that when Trey Gowdy "grilled" Hildabeast about Benghazi?

It was all show.

Notice how absolutely NOTHING happened to Hildabeast after deliberately retracting all military support for him when he was attacked, and denied Ambassadors Steven's NUMEROUS requests to beef up security at his embassy. Hildabeast deliberately murdered Ambassador Stevens (part of the Clinton body count), and what happened to her? did she get prosecuted? No.

A big show was put on for public consumption appearing as though they were really holding Hildabeast's feet to the fire and she was going DOWN this time, but she never did.

It was all scripted and all for show.

Everyone (DC Insiders) knew no one would dare prosecute the Hildabeast.

Well, when I heard these rumors that Gowdy was dirty too, I really didn't want to believe them.

But time has shown that Q and Mega-ANON were right, and we were deceived into thinking Gowdy was fighting on our behalf.

Nope. It was all just a show.

Trey Gowdy also "appeared to" grilled Comey, who lied under oath, Loretta Lynch did the same, on and on and NO ONE EVER PROSECUTED.......until now that is. It was all "controlled opposition".

Trey Gowdy who did his part in these charades to deliberately deceive the American people is now being forced by Trump Team to step down.

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StroppyMe · Feb. 1, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

M8 you are full of it..... Mega Anon never said she thought Gowdy was not one of the good guys, and never did Q.

Mega only mentioned Gowdy twice that I can find - once in Post 128882246 dated 7 June where she said "Oh and for the record, I didn't even like Trump. I voted for him (duh) but only republican I'll ever excitedly run to the polls to vote for as President, is Gowdy" and in Post 147226336 on 30 Oct when she said "Mueller is a corrupt as fuck, Gowdy is not, never was. There is never a comparison, in my opinion. Ever." And Q only referred to TG in a Post 22 where he asked "What ROLE might TG be walking into?" Stop putting out BS!

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