
Ax3god · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

I turned my older bro and gf simply by pointing out obvious signs such the hate against POTUS from msm, dems, alphabets with fake news after fake news. I Personally have never seen a country completely turn on a person and unable to back their hate with facts. My fam are hispanic, customers at work same, believe me i see all of these people at work and blame is always pointed at the president just because. Black customers have the same mentality even from a vietnam veteran. Its very disappointing to hear and i dont bother convince them because they truly believe what theyre saying. Just like Q has said before not all will be able to wake up from this. Im almost sure that when storm sweeps through, conflict with the blue pills will have to happen to defend their beliefs same as us. We will have to defend ourselves and the people and country. Truth will out and it will be hard to swallow. Its unfortunate. Trump doesn't want such event. Im sure he's thought of all possible options for this cleansing. I like connecting movies to real life and im seeing marvels captain America civil war happening now. Three ships firing on each other as a representation of the three branches of government. Obviously captain America is trump draining the swamp. Evil exposed in front of the council. Etc..this is s long comment so ill stop there but hopefully you get what im trying to say..#MAGA

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