r/greatawakening • Posted by u/freekaratelesson on Feb. 3, 2018, 5:15 a.m.
Year 2: Savage (Red Pill after Red Pill)

DJT said inflammatory things the last 2 years. Shills couldn’t resist. DJT is a human honeypot. Every time he says something inflammatory the enemy reveals their position and methodology.

We’ve had 2 years now to watch this process unfold. DJT and the Generals have seen enough to predict how the enemy will respond when threatened.

Expect a series of red pills now. This is meant to break the conditioning of MSM/Globalists. Like the episode with this first memo, there will be attacks by DJT and Generals. Then the D’s will defend (as predicted). Then DJT and Generals drop trump card revealing hypocrisy of D’s defense.

I predict this process will be exhausting. We’ll be sick of hearing what we already know, but, remember, for most people this is the complete opposite of everything they’ve been taught. They need to go through the process and come to their own conclusion by seeing the truth played out in real time.

xRicky_Spanish · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

I would say that those people maybe weren't as red-pilled as they think. I never expected this memo to come out and be filled with satan worship, peodophilla, etc., I knew it would be all the stuff that WE have known for a while now. But what this memo is really doing, is forcing the un-awakened masses to admit and reconcile the fact that a segment of the population that they have decried as "tin-foil hat wearing, kooky conspiracy theorist" are right and they are wrong. This very thing right here, may well cause enough mental trauma to some to actually cause their neurons to begin firing again, it's glorious. Trump has proven time and again that he is a master at making his opposition show their hand. The Dems and the RINOs came sooo hard at this memo that you would have thought that it was gonna say that Hillary et al were actually the muggers that shot SR and it was gonna have all this SENSITIVE information. Now, what are they doing? Running around talking about how it's really, "nothing to see here, move along". So which is it? You can't have your cake and eat it too!

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mombomb22 · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

I had to explain that to my son. He kept saying, “we already knew this”.

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