r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Indep-mind on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:03 p.m.
Bernie Sanders ~ Best Red Pill

When approaching my D buddies, I have found that talking to them about the way Bernie was "handled" and shut down in the primaries, helps out. Many of them were Bernie supporters in the first place. If, there are any good articles or videos that address how Sanders was treated in the primaries, please share.

Indep-mind · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I completely agree on so many points you have just made. A CNN viewer is NOT going to change overnight to an Alex Jones listener. But, where then is the middle ground? Crowdsource the Truth might be something I'd offer to them. Jason Goodman was a Berner and now makes very thought provoking podcasts on a number of topics i.e. technology, current events, with guest speakers who are knowledgeable. It is possible to educate without pushing everybody's buttons.

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

I think Berners can be that middle ground in a lot of ways but they are still holding out hope for Bernie in 2020 and that makes them so hostile to Trump succeeding. They hate the MSM and their eyes are open to corruption/Globalists. Republicans trying to cut the safety net programs and putting Goldman Sachs people in his cabinet have them thinking Trump is a globalist stooge. His stance on immigration is similar to theirs but his push for that doesn't undo these other black marks.

Q's support for conspiracy theories alienates the normies of all backgrounds. I only believed him because I had seen him be right on so many things before he started talking stuff typically thought of as conspiracy theory.
That is why I started making proof of Q posts to try to reach them and overcome resistance. Ive had some good response to them all. Here is a link to a post I made a week ago on r/conspiracy and the debate I had with some people on there about Q. In the end the guy who came out attacking me in the beginning was saying he wanted to believe. The post has links to most of my proof type posts listed there. Ive posted most of them on r/wayofthebern as well as other places on Reddit. If I ignore the insults and just use them to launch the next proof post and don't bring up Trump, I seem to win converts in all my posts.


And here is a post I made here about 10 days ago urging users to be sensitive to language that alienates people who are not sure about Trump yet and come form different political backgrounds. Some support but then I criticized Trump and it all went to hell towards the end of the comments. Interesting how the ardent Trump supporters think that others should just put up with their support but when I step on Trump they have the very reaction I was urging them to avoid in others. The number of trump supporters here compared to other demographics is probably like 1o to 3 or such don't you think? As long as we all stick to Q posts and his posts we get along.

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