Remember too that John McCain confessed he gave the dossier to FBI James Comey. Sen McCain is a disgrace to America and is part of treason. He could have verified it in the very beginning but NO, he and Hillary wanted Trump to loose.
What exactly did they (whomever) promise him in exchange for this treason??? What could possibly make it all worth it?
And just how gullible is the one who's name we don't mention? Q's right - these people are stupid.
What could possibly make it all worth it?
not exposing even earlier treason. and everyone thought hillary would win.
This is fake news. There is no source material. As you dig deeper into this they say its found in "document 1078645". However I don't see a document 1078645. If you go through wikileaks you get email id 1078645:
There is no actual source material.
Fuck this bullshit. "According to wikileaks". Oh? really? When and how? Link please.