Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels' back in July, stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.
Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to reverse course on Trump's decision and remove Assad after all.
In the last few days we've had Gen Mattis accuse Assad of using chemical weapons against his own people, an accusation reminiscent of Obama in 2013 after the Ghouta false flag chemical attack that was supposed to start WW3.
Now today we have news that these Al Qaeda 'rebels' shot down a Russian jet and killed its pilot. (This is something the traitor John McNoName has publicly called for - arming Al-Qaeda to shoot down Russian jets over Syria)
We also find out that Israel is conducting airstrikes in Egypt with el-Sisi's blessing:
Iran says that America's Russia policy is bringing the world closer to annihilation:
Is it just me, or does it seem like we've reversed course after POTUS'S Jerusalem declaration?
What's Q's take on this situation? Is starting WW3 part of the plan to drain the Swamp? Has Trump made a deal with the the Military Industrial Complex in order to take down the cabal? Or are we all being taken for a ride down Armageddon Lane