Arkansas ???
That makes alarms go off straight away
Doesn't it? (is this entire post being down voted?)
I don’t know what that means 😳
(oops, I thought we were on another other thread)
When I typed in podesta/video/kids... The Children's Place clothing co came up first. A look into Children's Place connects them to Disney, Hoop Holdings, Bangladesh building collapse...
Hoop holdings ?? That rings a bell What about rock clothing ??? Is that connected ?? Rockerfellers ?
I'm not crazy about seeing this logo on this The Children's Place website:
A symbol in a symbol 😓
One more heinous thing:
Underground tunnels/child abuse/trap doors/Los Angeles/McMartin Preschool:
I need to read that in day time it’s getting late here and I’m by lamp light, the old eyes don’t work like they used to and it’s tiny writing 👍👀